Eczema and hair loss


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

My mother has been suffering from eczema for a long time and one of the places it shows up the most is on her scalp. During the winter months, she has extreme hair loss and patches of her hair comes out. She has been to the dermatologist who told her to keep her scalp moisturized and prescribed this really expensive cream which she really can't afford. Are there any tips that you can give me to pass along to her. Is anyone currently having the same problem and willing to shed some light on the matter. I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Have you considered natural alternatives?

Just done a google search and Emu oil was listed as a good for eczema as well avocado oil, carrot seed oil. Beneficial essential oils listed such as chamomile & sandalwood etc.

I also found this regarding SLS and eczema
SLS and Premature Hair Loss

SLS is implicated in premature hair loss in men and women, and may be one reason for widespread incidence of thinning hair. Because SLS is such a caustic cleanser, it actually corrodes the hair follicle and impairs its ability to grow hair. SLES (sodium lauryl ether sulfate) causes dramatic decline in the hair growth cycle, and prolongs the hair loss phase (normally 3 months) by a factor of eight. Simply removing this ingredient, and its corrosive and irritating effects, begins to restore the natural, healthy function of the hair follicle.

SLS is also implicated in scalp irritation, eczema, dandruff, and other scalp conditions. Many shampoos designed to alleviate dandruff, itching, and other scalp disorders may actually be causing the problems they are supposed to eliminate, because of the toxicity of SLS-containing formulas to the skin and scalp. Avoiding contact with this cytotoxic (cell killing) chemical is all many people need to completely alleviate scalp disorders.
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My 8 yr old daughter is suffering from this very condition right now. She has a white flaky scalp and her hair is breaking off on the part-lines and is noticeably (to me at least) thinner. The dr. prescribed Ketoconazole shampoo but it's not working. I never tried the cream she prescribed. Now she's prescribing a tar ointment and insists I use the cream as well. If the tar doesn't work, we'll go see a dermatologist in a few weeks. The doctor said it still could be fungal even though she doesn't have the typical bald ring-like spot in one area. I'll also look into cutting out the SLS. I never knew her skin to be sensitive b4 but I do wonder about the chemicals in the hair care products I use on her. I hope your mom finds a solution. I know how frustrating this can be.
I asked a question like this a while back and the advice I got for my DD has helped Soooooo much!

*Don't oil or grease or put stuff on the scalp to 'moisturize' it
*wash it frequently!

I went from washing my DD hair once a week to 2-3 times a week, either w/ castil soap or CW and I am soooo happy! Her scalp is great. I wanted to not use RXs or steroids on her anylonger and so far so good!

Oh, I also give her a little flaxseed liquid 1-2 per week. (I use it daily) It is crazy how you are so moisturized from the inside out w/ this supplement.

I beleive that has helped her as well

Best of luck to your mom!!
When I was taking Biotin I noticed my scalp problems cleared up in about a month. I also was using Glovers right before I shampoo'd and I also used hydrocortisone cream (over the counter) right after a shampoo. Maybe this might work for her?
I was going to suggest Flax seed oil or EFA's also. You can also try MSM. I have Eczema that's pretty severe, and I find that MSM helps a little bit. Also, only use products that are natural (no synthetics, dyes, fragrances, etc...)
Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions...I will definitely pass these on to her. Unfortunately, she's from the old school and thinks that "hair grease" is a cure all, which we all know is not true. What exactly is MSM? I've been reading the posts and there are a lot of ladies using it.