Ecrinal ~ For Hair Loss ~ Who's Used This?


Well-Known Member
For all my alopecia/hair loss sufferers.... I ran across this product on a thread and looked it seems to work for hair loss...just wondering has anyone tried it and can they post a's a Canadian product....

Let me know what you think!!!

I have a bottle of the conditioner, but I don't use it for hair loss. I didn't know it was Canadian, but I know they have a branch of the company in Canada. Is the product form Sourth America maybe? I only bought it because it was the last bottle on the shelf and they just saw it in the drugstore for the first time. I don't like it, but I don't think I'm losing my hair so it can't really work for me.
MOI MOI MOI!!!! iVE NEVER USED The CONDITIONER JUST THE VIALS AND YES IT FILLED IN MY BALD SPOT QUICK QUICK.I used it on a daily basis before going to bed I would massage the liquid on my spot and two vials would last long and it worked wonders for me. Now there are no trace of my bald spot at was as big as the bottom of a can of coke. Because I got the cortisone shots and had done nothing for my hair at ALL.
ummm Ive never thought it was made in canada ... all my friends from france and some haitian old folks no about it tho. because you do see it around a lot in pharmacies but its not really known amongst quebecors and you dont have any advertising about it ..I know some products if not all are made in Monaco. Its made with ANP40 Horse Maine Extract. I bought it at the pharmacy called Jean-Coutu its like the equivalent but not really of Walgreens but a different company. This is exactly what I bought 2 vials for like 15$ tax included approx I couldnt afford the big box for 50$ and thank God I didnt need the big box. it was very effective and quick and purchasing this whole box wouldve been a waste.

hope I helped,


So can you find it in any Jean Coutu. I think I am going to get some. Well, I think it's a french product, but the company probably has a plant in Canada though. I've already seen on some drugstore's shelves but the price was quite discouraging for such a small bottle :(
Girl in every single jean-Coutu even pharmaprix ive been to there is ecrinal even in ST-CLIN CLIN DES MEUMEUX.(meaning even in places where we think theres no civilization) I bought the pack of 2 vials and went back to get 2 other small packs of 2 and ended up not using everything and you know what I didnt have the $ to buy the whole kit of shampoo and conditioner and glad I didnt because for fast results I was served on a silver plate wéo the poos and co. I did not regret not even a single dollar spent on that. I was reading the paper that comes with it where they mentioned studies where they used the products on woman and men and the percentage was pretty high for people who totally recovered their hair and the people were all diagnosed with various type of alopecia. So I said mmm I got results ....nada...i tried biofol vials....nada....I was really desperate and discouraged and tried it and my trial of products to solve this matter was over.I tried Dr miracles, some stankin oils , rubbed crushed garlic with eo some branches from morocco that i boiled......ecrinal was my ``I think ive tried everything...whynot?``
Well, I'll give it a try, there's a big Pharmaprix on St-Jean (Kirkland) near by my house, they might have some there. The nearest Jn-Coutu to my house is so small, I wont even try to ask them :nono: Thanks again for the info:grin: St whatever des MEU MEU.. very funny, I think it would've got it even sans the translation :lachen:Merci
oh no...I knew you would get it ééjust clarifying if any other sistas would read it and wonder wth I was saying.

Well, I'll give it a try, there's a big Pharmaprix on St-Jean (Kirkland) near by my house, they might have some there. The nearest Jn-Coutu to my house is so small, I wont even try to ask them :nono: Thanks again for the info:grin: St whatever des MEU MEU.. very funny, I think it would've got it even sans the translation :lachen:Merci
Thanks for the info, Casarela, I'll look into this....a whole box is $40 at texas beauty i'll look for the two-pack vials.
No all I did was put blend the lavendar essential oil with a carrier oil and that grew my spot back. See my photo album...I'm not sure of what's in this product but I'm skeptical of anything since my dermatologist failed at her job.
The active ingredient in french is ANP at 40% which translates exactly in horse mane extract 40%, It is very potent and worked fine with me.

This is what I found online in english about it:

Unique hair ampoules provide concentrated treatment for hair loss. Includes ANP (horse mane extract) which is an exclusive and Internationally patented ingredient by Laboratories Asepta. This natural substance is rich omega 3 fatty acids and stimulates the production of keratin. With a high concentration (40%) of ANP, this product has a truly regenerating effect on the hair and its roots. It is used as a daily in-depth treatment and acts as a gentle bath for dry hair in tropical climates. It has a highly beneficial effect on greasy hair (seborrhea). Regular use stimulates hair growth and keratin production, slows down hair loss and regenerates hair roots.

Clinical studies show:

Hair loss stopped or reduced in 85% after two months
Obvious hair re-growth in 67% after four months
Distinct improvement in seborrhea in 91%
ANP 40® is not limited to its main effect (hair loss) but also acts on the root causes of hair loss. It is recommended for:

Excessive hair loss, as soon as the first excessive hair loss appears, in men and women, as well as in hair loss already in an advanced stage
Thinning scalp, in cases where hair growth slows down and where it is necessary to assist re-growth in weakened hair by stimulating and activating the tissues which provide nutrition
In cases of seborrhea alopecia, especially in men
In some cases of hair loss with dandruff
Anemic hair, in cases where scalp and hair condition need to be improved in order to increase vitality by making the hair healthier, stronger and more alive

First Month- 4 applications per week
Second Month- 3 applications per week
Third Month- 2 applications per week
Fourth Month- 1 application per week
Note: In the course of the first few applications of ANP 40®, greater hair loss may occur in some cases. This is normal and involves hair at the end of its cycle. Do not stop treatment if this happens as this hair loss will stop quickly once deficient hair falls out.

Carefully break off the tip of the ampoule and attach the applicator tip. Apply to the entire scalp. Massage in with fingertips to activate penetration. Leave in for 20 minutes, then follow with Ecrinal Shampoo. Highly recommended to leave the product in overnight (use a shower cap).

Size: 8 ampoules x 5 ml each

No all I did was put blend the lavendar essential oil with a carrier oil and that grew my spot back. See my photo album...I'm not sure of what's in this product but I'm skeptical of anything since my dermatologist failed at her job.
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Well, I recommend it because I remember how big my bald spot and how it was driving me insane and nothing worked but that , after trials and doctors not knowing what to do, even injecting cortisone that didnt help at all . Ecrinal worked for me and my homegirl who had a bigger bald spot than mine. I definately think its worth a try for anyone who has alopecia.
thank you for this infor- I will be looking more into this product because I've been struggling with thining hair in my crown area for years. I can't use the monoxidil (sp) because I am allergic to it- makes my scalp ooze a yellow oil like substance within 2-3 days of use. Besides it's so expensive.
ECRINAL ALERT!!!! NY Ladies I found Ecrinal in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx. Take the 6 train or Bx22 bus to the Castle Hill avenue stop. Here's the address, it's right there close to the train station:

Peter Beauty Supply
1278 Castle Hill Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462
Mon-Thur 9 to 7:30
Fri-Sat 9 to 8
Sun 1 to 6:30

Box of 8 viles: $32
1 vile: $5.99

He has one box left right now. But he has more coming in next week.
I used the cream some years ago with no results...

I have 2 friends who used the liquid which was costly with no results...

I would try the other stuff the ladies talk about on LHCF before buying the liquid vials...those things add up!
hey ladies I heard about this from a friend who is a derm. years ago. I never had a need for it, but my edges sure can use it now!! LOL.. I plan on buying the box from texas beauty supply 2morrow. if anyone wants to buy a vial or two let me know the box is 40 so a vial is 5 u pay shipping to your home...ladies who have used it how long does a vial last? btw I'm in ga..
I purchased 5 vials for $3.79 each and started using it on February 14. I just apply the serum on my edges, back and front. It has this fishy smell I didn't expect therefore I will be applying this nightly for the next four months. On June 14 I will come back with my results, pictures included...
I purchased some as well it doesn't have a fishy smell though..the only thing I don't like is you have to wash it out the next I use it on my edges as well. I purchased it from texas beauty supply...its kinda oily though..