Eco Styler Moroccan Argan Oil Styling Gel

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Well-Known Member
I have read many reviews about Eco Styler Gel on the LHCF. I finally purchased some about a month ago, and I finally used it this weekend. I love the way this gel makes my curls pop. I would say it works just as good as KCCC (thanks to the members that mentioned that). On top of it working so well, I purchased it ON SALE (and it's already pretty darn inexpensive). This is definitely a keeper. :yep:
Re: Eco Styler Gel

It can be a little drying so just be sure to put some good stuff underneath it. I lurve that gel too. it's the only one I can use.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

It can be a little drying so just be sure to put some good stuff underneath it. I lurve that gel too. it's the only one I can use.
Oh yeah, I always make it a point to use a good moisturizer before applying gel to my hair. I used a little of my Qhemet moisturizer beforehand. :yep:
Re: Eco Styler Gel

Allandra your hair is so doggone pretty. Iffin you ever wanted to post a shot with the eco in it i'm sure no one would mind :giggle:
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I love the Olive Oil one (green one)!! It makes my edges relaxer type straight!!

This gel....slap some on the edges and then bun the back and BAM!
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I love how sleek it gets my edges. It also makes my wash and gos nice and curlicious when I plop my hair, but when I tried to shingle with it my hair got crunchy.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I love Eco too! Its the only gel that makes my curls pop and hold.

I'm sitting under the dryer with some on my head right now! After my head is dry then I scrunch the crunch out and add olive oil to fluff out.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I use Eco for my daily wngs. I 1st tried the clear, then the olive oil and now I using the pink. I'll try the Argan oil next. It can be drying. I'm currently looking for a creamy leave in to use under it.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I LOVE the Morracan Argan oil one. It's not as tacky/sticky as the others, IMO. I have 5 in the bathroom right now :look: (it was on sale and DH knows I love it so he ordered a bunch. The man knows me well :lol:).

A LOT of S-curl + vaseline to seal + copious amounts of EcoStyler for shingling = no crunch AT ALL. Just soft curls. I actually use this method as a type of protective style. My hair doesn't tangle. Wash day is a breeze like I've had it stretched in braids all week.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

this is the best gel in the history of gels! seriously. I'm relaxed...and when a gel helps me do a wash n go...i know its a keeper. I love the olive oil and blue one.
poochie167...if u don't mind me asking, how do u do your wng? Im Relaxed 4a and my wng come out puffy. I have eco but I never tried it with a wng...just on my edges. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

this is the best gel in the history of gels! seriously. I'm relaxed...and when a gel helps me do a wash n go...i know its a keeper. I love the olive oil and blue one.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

I really want to try the olive oil one. I'm using the argan oil and it is beyond awesome. The hold is excellent but it WILL leave my hair a bit dry if I don't have Qhemet-y goodness underneath. :grin:
I love the Ecostyler Blue hold #5. It doesn't make while balls in my hair or dry it out like the Crystal, Olive Oil or Argan Oil ones.

Recipe, please? :grin:

Half ecostyler (I used the olive oil one) and half Cantu Shea butter leave in. Beware, it likes to make the white balls though, so I only use it before I tie my hair down. By morning my hair is shiny, soft, and ball free :D
Half ecostyler (I used the olive oil one) and half Cantu Shea butter leave in. Beware, it likes to make the white balls though, so I only use it before I tie my hair down. By morning my hair is shiny, soft, and ball free :D

Thanks! I burned my last container of Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in because I hated it so much. I will try with another leave in to see what happens...
poochie167...if u don't mind me asking, how do u do your wng? Im Relaxed 4a and my wng come out puffy. I have eco but I never tried it with a wng...just on my edges. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

The key to it is using it on wet or semi dripping wet hair. It wont work when ur hair is already frizzy. After ur leave in...u take the gel and rub btwn ur hands and scrunch thru the hair.
We've tried all three and they are all great. My daughter has long pencil curls and she likes the clear one best, olive oil second, argan third. They simply have the best gel. I don't believe she gets any dryness from the gels. If you try their website...they have skincare !!!
Yeah.. I love this gel too. It's the bomb. I use the green olive oil one. I read the ingredients, nothing too spectacular it just works really well for me. It's been a good past few months.. I think I've found all the staples that work for my hair. I think I can clean out my product junkie shelf, I've found what works.
The key to it is using it on wet or semi dripping wet hair. It wont work when ur hair is already frizzy. After ur leave in...u take the gel and rub btwn ur hands and scrunch thru the hair.

poochie167 Girrrllllll are you serious? I can use my Eco Styler Olive Oil to have a presentable wng on relaxed hair? I gotta try this..

I did not have comparable results with the Olive Oil Eco Styler versus Kinky Curly. Eco left my hair a bit more crunchy and I was not able to get second day hair.

I have Kinky Curly in my hair right now (just shingled it in) and was able to get 2nd, 3rd and 4th day hair last time I used KCCC. I have to try the Moroccan version of Eco to see if I get KCCC results.
Re: Eco Styler Gel

It can be a little drying so just be sure to put some good stuff underneath it. I lurve that gel too. it's the only one I can use.

If you leave them uncovered for 2 days and allow a little evaporation, its loses the slight drying/crunch factor. Still has the great hold just no dryness.

Left my gel uncovered for a few days by accident and I love how it works. This is my standard practice now whenever I purchase a new tub :yep:
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