Easy way to do LHCF topic/thread searches


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of ladies complain of search function issues. Here is a way that I search for hair topics or other topics on this forum with success:

go to google and click on advanced search

For the line that says "all these words:" type in what you want to search

For the line that says "Search within a site or domain:" type in LHCF's web address

then click the button that says "advanced search" and viola! you will have a detailed search of only our site!

Hope that helps some of yall...
I hate when the search doesnt work.:nono: sometimes it works for me.:ohwell: I dont understand why it hasnt been fixed and its been a problem for LHCF members for so long:look:
I know a lot of ladies complain of search function issues. Here is a way that I search for hair topics or other topics on this forum with success:

go to google and click on advanced search

For the line that says "all these words:" type in what you want to search

For the line that says "Search within a site or domain:" type in LHCF's web address

then click the button that says "advanced search" and viola! you will have a detailed search of only our site!

Hope that helps some of yall...

Lol, I do this too. As a matter of fact, that's how I stumbled across LHCF :D I simplify it by just using the general search, and typing the subject and LHCF though. For example: "great moisturizer longhaircareforum" and voila! :yep:
I have done a few regular searches on google, but OMG, this is the BOMB!

Thanks for sharing!!
you all are very welcome :yep: Today I found this thread from 2003, I love doing specialized google searches. It makes hair research easy.
Google is an amazing search engine and especially easy for searching LHCF.

here's an example of what I do

site:longhaircareforum.com best conditioner

if you absolutely need a phrase, you should put it in quotation marks
Lets say you are looking specifically for aphogee 2 min, instead of other aphogee products.

site:longhaircareforum.com "aphogee 2 min" (this will make sure that the entire phrase must be found as is.

However, it only works on older posts (maybe a week or two) because the spiders need to get a chance to catch the information.

Happy searching!!!