EASIEST length to grow??? Input ladies??


Well-Known Member
So I have a question aimed at all types of hair. At what length do you believe hair care becomes simpler? IMO I think after i hit APL my hair care journey will become a lot easier, since i will have more hair to do more protective styles and it will be less stress on the roots and edges of my hair. Also I have noticed that when I had shorter hair I had much more breakage then with the longer hair, mainly because when i tried to do certain protective styles i had to pull tighter to get it to look presentable.
At what length do you think your hair grows the fastest?
Have you noticed at any length you needed to take extra EXTRA care of your hair for it to grow??
So tell me what do you think???
I believe it depends on the person, but for me:

At what length do you believe hair care becomes simpler?
After I hit APL. It became easier to style (could do ponytails, buns, big twists). However it became more to detangle (longer detangling sessions, etc.). I'll take the longer detangling sessions though. :grinwink:

At what length do you think your hair grows the fastest?
Hmm ... I had an easier time retaining length when it was shorter ... between NL and APL it appeared to grow the fastest. (But it wasn't growing any faster; I was just able to retain more then.)

Have you noticed at any length you needed to take extra EXTRA care of your hair for it to grow??
I had to take extra EXTRA care of my hair after APL. More protective styling, moisture game on point, etc. Now while grazing BSB, the care has stepped up a notch - PS styles for 3-4 weeks, prepoo with coconut oil, super low manipulation routine, etc.

So tell me what do you think???
I think the longer hair gets, the harder it is to retain length. The ends of our hair get older and thus more fragile. With length, the hair (particularly natural hair) is more prone to tangling. However, with the proper hair care regimen, it can be done. The biggest positive of length, for me, is being able to do a few big twists and call it a style; I couldn't get away with that on my shorter hair.
I believe it depends on the person, but for me:

At what length do you believe hair care becomes simpler?
After I hit APL. It became easier to style (could do ponytails, buns, big twists). However it became more to detangle (longer detangling sessions, etc.). I'll take the longer detangling sessions though. :grinwink:

At what length do you think your hair grows the fastest?
Hmm ... I had an easier time retaining length when it was shorter ... between NL and APL it appeared to grow the fastest. (But it wasn't growing any faster; I was just able to retain more then.)

Have you noticed at any length you needed to take extra EXTRA care of your hair for it to grow??
I had to take extra EXTRA care of my hair after APL. More protective styling, moisture game on point, etc. Now while grazing BSB, the care has stepped up a notch - PS styles for 3-4 weeks, prepoo with coconut oil, super low manipulation routine, etc.

So tell me what do you think???
I think the longer hair gets, the harder it is to retain length. The ends of our hair get older and thus more fragile. With length, the hair (particularly natural hair) is more prone to tangling. However, with the proper hair care regimen, it can be done. The biggest positive of length, for me, is being able to do a few big twists and call it a style; I couldn't get away with that on my shorter hair.
Great input!!!! Im hoping that when i get to APL it wont be to difficult. Your hair looks gorgeous. Do you remember how long it took you to go from SL to APL??
When i hit BSL it became easier for me bc i had layers...that i'm still growing out...but they are much longer now....and plus they were making my ends look super thinner. So....When i hit BSL i was able to do cute buns and more styles than i could when i was APL.

Also when your hair gets longer you can be as lazy as you want when it comes to styling it...but you HAVE to baby it bc it is older at the ends and is more fragile as someone already posted.....whether your relaxed or natural.
I def. think nl to sl is the easiest. That's the length that I always get to and my hair growth comes to pretty much a stop.
^^^My sentiments exactly. My hair grows like a WEED to SL with no major effort from me. It's getting past SL that's the real b***h.
My hair has always been easy to maintain at all lengths. I did the big chop to become natural and I just worked with my hair as it was growing in.

When I hear about woman having issues with their hair, I find that most of them did a BC for wore wigs or weaves to grow their hair out. They started off with 2 or more inches of hair and wore wigs, weaves or braids and now have 10+ inches of hair and have no idea what to do with it. So now it becomes an issue.
^^^My sentiments exactly. My hair grows like a WEED to SL with no major effort from me. It's getting past SL that's the real b***h.
I just hit SL and it is extra hard for me as well to get it to grow past that..which definelty sucks... Because I want MBL SOOOOOOOO BAD!!!
When i hit BSL it became easier for me bc i had layers...that i'm still growing out...but they are much longer now....and plus they were making my ends look super thinner. So....When i hit BSL i was able to do cute buns and more styles than i could when i was APL.

Also when your hair gets longer you can be as lazy as you want when it comes to styling it...but you HAVE to baby it bc it is older at the ends and is more fragile as someone already posted.....whether your relaxed or natural.
do you find that compared to before your good hair care journey, your ends that have been mosturized and well taken care off are less frail and broke off less then your ends when you were not on your good hair journey? Hope that made sense:spinning:
The easiest for me was going from an EL bob to SL. It didnt take much effort at all and grew really quickly. Now getting to APL is a different story. Its just the devil. Its like my growth slowed down. Its extremely annoying.
So I have a question aimed at all types of hair. At what length do you believe hair care becomes simpler? IMO I think after i hit APL my hair care journey will become a lot easier, since i will have more hair to do more protective styles and it will be less stress on the roots and edges of my hair. Also I have noticed that when I had shorter hair I had much more breakage then with the longer hair, mainly because when i tried to do certain protective styles i had to pull tighter to get it to look presentable.
At what length do you think your hair grows the fastest?
Have you noticed at any length you needed to take extra EXTRA care of your hair for it to grow??
So tell me what do you think???

My hair became easier to care for once I reached APL, but also at that stage it seem my growth was slower to retain. I was able to do more styles I dreamed of compare to when I was SL

My hair grew the fast when I was on MT and Bee Mine, I grew an inch a month. My regime has been the same since July 2008
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I agree, with SL you really have to be on top of your hair game. Consistent DC'ing, and definitely wearing it up off your shoulders more often than not. There's not a lot of room to play around :nono:
think my hhair length is easier right now, but the longer the easier it is to dust. and the longer ther hair, the easier it is to put away up in a bun or somthing. and since my hair is already long now i dont have anymore douts like "can my african hair grow long?" its smooth sailing for me now.
think my hhair length is easier right now, but the longer the easier it is to dust. and the longer ther hair, the easier it is to put away up in a bun or somthing. and since my hair is already long now i dont have anymore douts like "can my african hair grow long?" its smooth sailing for me now.
I hope by the time i get to your length i will know everything that my hair likes and doesnt like. Your hair is great:grin:
The easiest for me was going from an EL bob to SL. It didnt take much effort at all and grew really quickly. Now getting to APL is a different story. Its just the devil. Its like my growth slowed down. Its extremely annoying.

Yea i completely understand your frustration, put it this way, with my breakage and lack of hair care i have been SL for about 5 years. So annoying
I think once I hit BSL it will make my hair easier to maintain. The styling options for me will increase whereas with shorter lengths, certain styles just don't look good. I do agree with the other ladies though that getting past shoulder length to APL is the hardest; the best results tend to come from ladies with hard core protective styling regimens.
I think once I hit BSL it will make my hair easier to maintain. The styling options for me will increase whereas with shorter lengths, certain styles just don't look good. I do agree with the other ladies though that getting past shoulder length to APL is the hardest; the best results tend to come from ladies with hard core protective styling regimens.
Where are you on your hair care journey now?
I've only been on this HHJ about a year, and have gone from a little past SL to a little past APL. Going from SL to APL took me almost a year (2 "trims" and no protective styling). But now it's only taken me 3 months to retain half the length I grew in a year (double retained). The things I do differently now are: low manipulation, S&D only (no trims), and no wash-n-gos.
I've only been on this HHJ about a year, and have gone from a little past SL to a little past APL. Going from SL to APL took me almost a year (2 "trims" and no protective styling). But now it's only taken me 3 months to retain half the length I grew in a year (double retained). The things I do differently now are: low manipulation, S&D only (no trims), and no wash-n-gos.
How often do you s&d??? that is amazing progress!!
Great input!!!! Im hoping that when i get to APL it wont be to difficult. Your hair looks gorgeous. Do you remember how long it took you to go from SL to APL??

Thank you! It took me about 8-10 months? Something like that. You'll be there in no time. :grinwink:
I believe that it was a fast process to get from CL to. SL now that I am at APL no matter what I do it seems like I can't make it to BSL. Because it's like this once you reach APL then you have to make it to full APL. Then it's like some of your strands don't want to cooperate. Like mine for instance. I am APL in the back, because that is where I use to put in the most effort. But my front and my sides are SL. In order for me to be BSL length my sides need to be APL. So I am at a stand still and have been for like a year in a half and it is very fustrating.
do you find that compared to before your good hair care journey, your ends that have been mosturized and well taken care off are less frail and broke off less then your ends when you were not on your good hair journey? Hope that made sense:spinning:


Yes my ends are waaaaay better than they were before i started my HHJ. I used to brush my hair with one of those plastic hard, rough, bristle brushes from root to tip everyday and call all thos chipped hairs that used to be on my shirt "dead ends".:lachen: AND i used to put Pink Oil on first and then fry my hair everyday with the curling and/or flat iron:nono:

I'm surprised i never was earlength!!!

But at the lengths of NL, SL and APL....you have to do everything you can to keep your ends protected bc thats when ur hair rubs against your clothes...like ur cotton shirts and it damages your ends....so try to keep your hair up as much as possible at these lengths!!!:yep:
My journey from BSL to MBL was quick, but now it seems like i'm struggling to get to WL...like my hair is not retaining length at all! I wonder if it's breaking off because i keep snagging it on weird places (the seatbelt, my purse strap, between me and the chair back) that didn't happen before it was this length.
I didn't even notice when my hair got past NL - I have some uneven layers from setbacks, but the nape is past my shouders, nearing APL. Wet bunning is what helped me to grow this length easily.
I didn't even notice when my hair got past NL - I have some uneven layers from setbacks, but the nape is past my shouders, nearing APL. Wet bunning is what helped me to grow this length easily.
Thats great progress, I love your bun how do you do that. Mine always looks so small and puny...lol.
My journey from BSL to MBL was quick, but now it seems like i'm struggling to get to WL...like my hair is not retaining length at all! I wonder if it's breaking off because i keep snagging it on weird places (the seatbelt, my purse strap, between me and the chair back) that didn't happen before it was this length.
do you wear protective styles often??? and your hair is gorgeous.