Ear Infections, Irritation and Swimmers Ear from Frequent Washing


New Member
Has anyone ever had a problem with ear infections or swimmers ear from washing their hair.

I'm going to the Dr this afternoon because I'm having severe ear pain...it's been going on for a while and now my ears are oozing :( . I think it's from washing frequently and getting water in my ears from the shower. It started with simple itching and now I believe it's full fledged infection.

Anyone else experienced this? What did you do? How do you prevent it?

Yes, this happened to me the first time I self relaxed actually. I thought it was an ear infection but it was water trapped in wax that was deep in my ear(from cleaning with Q-tips, a bad habit that feels soooo good). I guess it built up over time, but this time just tipped the boat over. First I went to the drug store and used Debrox, a hydrogen peroxide based solution that slowly breaks up the wax in the inner ear. When I started using it, it hurt soooo bad. I couldnt even go to class, I just lied down. Strangely enough, I had a danactive yogurt, the one that is suppose to regulate your stomache, I believe it had probiotics in it actually, and I felt immediate relief from the pain. I still couldnt hear too well out of that ear. At this point I thought that maybe the relaxer had done some damage to my eardrum. I went to the doctor on campus, and he said that wasnt the case, he sucked out most of the wax with a suction machine, told me to keep using debrox and then sucked out the remainder a week later. Everything was a-okay. ;)
I've never had an ear infection, but I just want to suggest that maybe you should consider purchasing ear plugs, to avoid water getting in your ear.
I get ear infections a couple times a year - I have for my entire life. You can do a couple of thngs to help prevent them. When you get water in your ear, put in a couple drops of alcohol which will help evaporate the moisture. You can clean you ears with hydrogen proxide - it's a kind of cool bubbly feeling that helps to lift the old wax.

Make sure you drain the water - just turn your head to the side for a few minutes. Earplugs are also useful to prevent the problem in the first place if it is being caused by water in the ear.

I hope you feel better so- ear infection hurt so much - it always feels as if my entire head is going to explode.
newflowers said:
I get ear infections a couple times a year - I have for my entire life. You can do a couple of thngs to help prevent them. When you get water in your ear, put in a couple drops of alcohol which will help evaporate the moisture. You can clean you ears with hydrogen proxide - it's a kind of cool bubbly feeling that helps to lift the old wax.

Make sure you drain the water - just turn your head to the side for a few minutes. Earplugs are also useful to prevent the problem in the first place if it is being caused by water in the ear.

I hope you feel better so- ear infection hurt so much - it always feels as if my entire head is going to explode.

Chayil, thanks for posing this question!

Newflowers, I've had 2 ear infections as an adult. The 1st was about 5 years ago, the result of water entering my ears while getting shampooed at the salon. I wasn't able to drain all the water. It was right after Christmas and made the remainder of the holiday season pretty painful & uncomfortable for me.

Doc gave me a Z-pack which alleviated most of the pain & suffering, but my ears have not been the same since. I still have frequent popping (I guess from pressure in my inner ear?). I was wondering if the alcohol drops or hydrogen peroxide helped with this? Do you just do 2-3 drops with a medicine dropper? How often do you perform this?
That is exactly how I do it. I haveone of the droppers for baby medicine - like from a tylenol bottle. I drop in two or three drops of alcohol when i get out of the shower at night. I drop in one side, lay down with a small cotton round pressed against my ear (not put inside). It takes a minute or two, and you can feel a little water draining out. Repeat on the other side.

The peroxide is realy good - a couple of drops and you can feel it fizzing in your ear. Again, head to the side to drain, and then the qtip, and then drain again.

It seems like a lot of trouble, but you know what that pain feels like - it's worth the extra few minutes.
Kristal said:
I thought it was an ear infection but it was water trapped in wax that was deep in my ear(from cleaning with Q-tips, a bad habit that feels soooo good). I guess it built up over time, but this time just tipped the boat over. ... I still couldnt hear too well out of that ear.

exactly what i was going to say!

i had an ear infection once way back as a permie in high school when i did a lot of swimming one summer... i just used sweet oil (you can get it at any drugstore, Wal-Mart etc.) to break up all that ear wax, and dug it out with a Q-tip after a few days. it was pretty gross. i was told that those ear candle thingies would've worked better, but i didn't know where to get them or how to use them. i guess it's not the best suggestion since you could poke your eardrum out if you don't know what you're doing... :ohwell:

my 2nd ear infection was just this May. this one was different because it was supposedly caused by my allergies/blowing my nose so much and water getting trapped behind my eardrum (probably from my frequent co-washing). the infection settled in my Eustachian tube and in a week it went from slightly annoying itchy ear to not being able to eat because it hurt to move my jaw. after 10 days i stopped being stubborn and went to the doctor. he gave me some kind of eardrops to use and a buttload of 800mg ibuprofen horsepills for the pain. i still have 3/4 of a bottle... kind of OT but those things are great during a certain time of the month. :lol:
Thanks Newflowers! I'm going to give that a try. I NEVER want to experience that pain again.

Ladylibra, I can't believe you lasted 10 whole days! I guess I'm a wimp. I went to urgent care on the 2nd day!
kimistry said:
Thanks Newflowers! I'm going to give that a try. I NEVER want to experience that pain again.

Ladylibra, I can't believe you lasted 10 whole days! I guess I'm a wimp. I went to urgent care on the 2nd day!

I'm so right with you there - a bad ear infection hurt worse than labor with no drugs and having your wisdom teeth removed. LadyLibra, I don't know how you made 10 days either. I would have been crying after the day three.

I don't really think frequent hair washing causes ear infections - maybe it can make one feel worse, but plain water, or even water with soap or conditioner in the ear can't be the root cause. I thinnk it more likely the water staying in the ear and growing bacteria maybe.
newflowers said:
I don't really think frequent hair washing causes ear infections - maybe it can make one feel worse, but plain water, or even water with soap or conditioner in the ear can't be the root cause. I thinnk it more likely the water staying in the ear and growing bacteria maybe.

I think you're right!
sometime if you place a hot towel near your ear or lay your ear on the hot towel it will cause it to drain.
Yes, but not simply from washing, from washing then wearing earplugs. I had bad recurring otitis externa till I quit the earplugs. It's important to let the ears dry full after getting them wet or even sweating.