Because there was a horrible misunderstanding with someone who mistook it was about them, and I do mean, HORRIBLE, I'm sending this last post on this issue. Yeah, I was mortified they thought such. There's only so much I can do to correct it, after that, they take it up with G-d. I'm out of it. Anyhoo, things look calmer now and I hope they remain so. But I wanted to clear up something. You cannot legally go about threatening litigation or such against people as a means to silence them, especially if you have the wrong persons you're attacking and accusing them of cyberstalking you. Mentioning that those who harass you are on this board but indirectly so? Leaving folks to believe they are on THIS forum?
I've read that blog and I believe the person is being harassed. However, who, what and how being blasted over in the CF some months ago and this continuous blogging on the subject where that sentence of "they are on the forum," charging with threats of litigation and outing such as "I am a lawyer" and making it seem they are actually here is inappropriate for this christian forum. So are these jabs being made from time to time concerning people who hide their evil ways etc. I don't see the point of blogging that folks are harassing you illegally and then you don't directly say but make it seem that they are right here amongst us in our forum and indirectly threatening them with litigation and surveillance. None of us here are privy to your life nor that situation. It should never blow up on here again. There was even an exchange such that you stated you weren't receiving their communication? I mean, this is meshugena and I've held this in for a long time, responding to something awful I've witnessed. Jabs continue. We see it. The blog continues, we see the jabs related to it. If people are experiencing cyber stalking, here's some information they should take to start stopping it:
Other than that, it looks like pure paranoia. The sole reason I'm addressing it is that it looks ILLEGAL to even put such exchanges and charges on this net. This is beyond "I think you don't like me." Way beyond and crosses over into illegalities. Sorry. If you are a lawyer and are manipulating around being fully responsible for harassment, then you are misusing your profession and stampeding your oath of justice.
The mods can lock or destroy this thread now.