This is a term that I tell myself daily, all day!! "Alicia, you gotta die"
But it just simply means dying out from your mindsets, attitudes, anything that goes against the word of God.
Example, there is this guy who works next to me at work......he can u get..... ummm... a lil annoying at times flesh sometimes just want to say""Oh my gosh! be quiet!!"...But i dont...i resist...thats letting myself die.Not only by not responding but by controlling my thoughts about him as well. Some times people just want to control the outward appearance of things but their heart is a mess. So you not only resist your actions but also your thoughts as well...
But the reason we "die" to ourselves is so Christ may live in us. We dont wanna just be emptied of ourselves, but we make room for Christ to live there. He said He would walk and talk in us..
but dying is not always with not doing things, its with doing them too...
I work full time and Im busy in ministry alot, sometimes my morning start at 5am..and I dont get to bed until 11pm..Well sometimes I get home, I want to dive in my bed, but I know that I need to spend time with my flesh is screaming "sleep, sleep", but I have to ignore it and be obedient to God..So in the case, I was letting myself die to my flesh.Even if God wakes me up in the middle of the night to pray....
Also, me not getting the last word
"Dying out" just means to simply resist...
If you dont feed something for a long time, it does what...die..
If you have a attitude problem, if you dont 'feed' it, it will die....(example)
If you battle with lust...same thing.