Dying Childrens hair ?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know, how do someone of you all view dying childrens hair under the age of 12?

I notice recently a few of the children in my neighborhood (black, white,hispanic, asian, and bi-racial) have dyed hair, primary the girls. The hair colors I've seen was Light browns, Browns, Auburn, and Black.
(Some are starting to grow the colors.)

Would you dye your daughters hair, if shes under the age of 12?

I know this probuly should have went in the childrens section, but I needed more response.:yep:
nope....but when my sister was in 5th grade, some lil girl in her class had the whole front of her hair dyed blonde (she was black)...she was already highly physically developed for her age, and the hair color just made her look older...and "fast" lol...i used to have an internship in an elementary school and kids from kindergarten-4th grade would have blue, red and pink extensions!!! smh...

i was about 13-14 when i colored my hair, and i totally didnt know how to take care of it, it was triple processed, and i had alot of breakage...i think hair color should be reserved for late teens/adult years when you can really practice proper hair care.
Well white people do it all the time. They've been dying their girls hair blonde...I guess to match their own dyed hair lol I would never do it though. MY daughter can dye her hair when she's old enough to take care of it. I got highlights for my 16th birthday so that seems to be a good age.

Oh yeah but when I was volunteering at a community center, there was a girl with her hair dyed blonde. I forgot how old she was. Somewhere around 11 or 12 but needless to say, her hair looked dry and a mess. But this was before my hhj so I had no tips to give.
when I was young like elementry school age, I use to get my hair done every 2 weeks and my stylist would use the spray in colors on my hiar like pink, blue, gold whatever and I thought it was really cute. But I would not let my dd get her hair chemically colored under 16yrs of age
I have noticed this too. A little girl(biracial) in my daughters gymnastics class has a bunch of pink highlites and her mom cut her hair into a bob she is only 8yrs old. This little black girl that goes to my daughters school has bronze highlites and she is about 9 or 10. I would not do it
My niece is now 14 but her hair color started to change around the age of 7 to a light brown w/ (sunkissed) highlights all through it. Adults would ask her why her mom would allow that, but that is just her natural hair color. Its a beautiful color though.
I guess they figure if Jada and Will are allowing 8 year old Willow to shave her hair and dye it, then its ok for their children too. :rolleyes: I wouldnt mind so much about the colorful extensions or the spray stuff that washes out after one wash though.
No kids yet, but when I have them they will not be allowed to dye their hair. Maybe when they are like 17...but def not when they are a child. I think it is not right when people do this and I have mostly witnessed this with white people...
not chemically dyed, no. but clip in colorful streaks or sprays that washes right out, sure.
My friend, a caucasian hairstylist was complaining she thinks people who have children around or under the age of 10 dye their hair are bad parents, and it should not be done. She was very upset about a client of hers who had her daughter getting highlights at an age of around 9 or so. She expressed the most concern about the chemicals involved. If it was up to her it would be something you call child protective services for.

It made me wonder what she thought about black parents who relax their children's hair as toddlers. I didn't even want to ask, she was so upset.

As for myself I dont really find it appropriate and i think it can indirectly give negative messages about needing to change your appearance to be pretty ( unless its green, pink or some other unnatural human color). My friend's reaction though, also makes me think twice about the chemicals.
I dont agree with it. I dont even agree w/ relaxing children (esp as toddlers)

it's like makeup. The only time we were allowed to wear makeup was for a special occasion like a recital and even then it was a little bit of color and a dab of blush. man we felt so grown
i would never dye a childs hair. maybe around 16-17 i may let them get it done, only because thats around the age i started doing my hair different colors.
OP, that's probably the natural hair color of those children. My hair turns brown (brownish) on it's own and always has...or maybe it changes color because of my relaxers. IDK. I dye it black. I started using dark rinses on my hair when I was pretty young. I don't see the big deal.
OMG, I used to know a little girl (4 year old...when I say little I meant little) who's mother bleached her hair (or dyed it hay yellow/blonde). The mother wasn't too stable herself, but this child was so being set up for a lifetime of issues.

Eleven and twelve year olds (kanye shrug) if their parents want to allow them to be that grown so early, whatever, but 4 year olds I felt like it was abuse.

EDIT: she was black or maybe afri-latina and I KNOW it was dyed because this child grew dark roots every couple of weeks. :nono:
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I see Hispanic and Native American little kids with bleached hair all the time. White kids have highlights by middle school. Black kids not dying their hair, but weaves in elementary school. They are all DEAD wrong.
No, never. That's a no-no.

Imagine all those chemicals seeping into their tiny bodies. :nono:

I rarely see children with dyed hair. The only one that come to mind is Michael Jackson's oldest son, whose hair used to be dyed blond.
I started dyeing my own hair with Kool-Aid and Semi-Permanent dye when I was in middle school, so I was what like...11 or 12? My group of friends was a skater-type group, and a lot of the girls had bleached streaks, or black streaks, bright red hair, etc. I dyed my hair ALL SORTS of colors with Kool-Aid (lol I loved it, I had a diff color every week) - purple, blue, red, orange...my hair always turned a light brown color in summer from going to the pool so it would show up too. With the semi, I would dye my hair cherry red, then dye it back brown later. I don't think my mom really cared but she wouldn't let me do it at our house b/c she didn't want me to make a mess. Personally, I wouldn't care if my (imaginary) daughter dyed her hair or wanted it dyed. I would make sure I made her read a chemistry book about hair so she knew how the dye worked though before she did it. Boy, do I wish I had a book like that when I was younger...those blonde streaks made my hair snap off!
I remember reading a story online recently about Miley's Cyrus' family (trashing her, as usual), and in the website comments people were shaking their heads about the fact that Miley's little 10-year-old sister had dyed hair. So I don't think it's just us who frown upon it...
Nope. Hair dye is for grown people. I did the Kool-Aid thing when I was 23 or 24. I see too many under 10's with blond highlights.
I don't have children, but I don't think I'd have an issue with it if it wasn't permanent. It's another form of self-expression and as long as it's not hurting anyone, I think I'd be fine with it.
While I would not dye my daughter's hair, I do give her henna treatments every once in a while. They're moreso, for the conditioning treatments than coloring. The fact the henna enhances her natural color is an added bonus. You can see her album in my profile.
No. I cant see allowing it. My dd (11) has been asking for highlights for a couple years. I may allow her to get a small 'track' of a diff color or a 'wsh out' but nothing as serious as a 'dye' or 'highlighting'