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I think it's nice
I have two nieces who have naturally blonde hair
so I don't see a problem with it. If one of us can grow it naturally the rest of us have a right to buy it LOL
I like it! I guess you can make sure when you get a touch up that your stylist is not redying the colored hair already.. just the roots
I like the color on you. Make sure you keep up on the deep treatments, moisture and protein. Esp now that its still short because at that length, there will be overlap when you go to get the color touched up. My freind who has been relaxed and blond for about a year now,(she's about BSL) swears by joico products :yep:
Yeah, the color looks good on you ... but I like it better dark. You look too grown with blondish hair and I'M NOT READY FOR YOU TO GROW UP!!!! :cry::cry: It seems that you were starting undergrad just yesterday.


Seriously though. It looks nice. I'd just keep an eye out for damage/breakage as it grows. If that becomes a problem I'd jump ship and go back dark before you have to cut too much of your growth. I have no specific care tips because my hair does not tolerate color AT.ALL, so I don't do it.
I love it!!! With my experience you must always, always wait a while before touching it up when you have short hair. I know, I know, you gonna have to look at those ugly roots, but that's really the only way to minimize overlapping. You are gonna get some, but nothing major that should cause your hair to fall out. It is just one of those things that I experienced when I was trying to keep my hair short while chemically processing it. Also, stay on top of you DC and protein. I wore my hair that color blonde for two years with no breakage and maintained at BSL(front layers)/MBL(back). Good luck!
I think it looks nice. I might be hard to maintain. I wouldn't worry about what others say. After all, it is your hair.
Do you like it JnB??? That is what matter most. I tend to like warmer colors and maybe I am use to seeing you with dark hair but I liked it better dark.

Do I think it's ugly?? No.

Soooo OT: Your brows are perfection.
I think it's nice
I have two nieces who have naturally blonde hair
so I don't see a problem with it. If one of us can grow it naturally the rest of us have a right to buy it LOL

Thanks! I guess you are right....if you ain't got it buy it!!

I like it! I guess you can make sure when you get a touch up that your stylist is not redying the colored hair already.. just the roots
Thank you!...I don't know how someone would just put it on my roots my hair is extra short!!....And I plan on keeping it this way for a while...I guess I'm just gonna have to see how long it takes my hair to grow out a little...cut that part out and dye it again...Oh man...I just went from high maintenance to low maintenance in no time flat!!

I think it goes with your cute freckles :)

Thank you!...When I first thought about dying it, the first thing I said to myself..."I have freckles so maybe I can get a pass on this one!!" lol!

I like the color on you. Make sure you keep up on the deep treatments, moisture and protein. Esp now that its still short because at that length, there will be overlap when you go to get the color touched up. My freind who has been relaxed and blond for about a year now,(she's about BSL) swears by joico products :yep:

Thanks, I think I have some joico under my sink...I have been using the cheapest products since I BC'd...I guess now its time to pull out the good ones again.

Yeah, the color looks good on you ... but I like it better dark. You look too grown with blondish hair and I'M NOT READY FOR YOU TO GROW UP!!!! :cry::cry: It seems that you were starting undergrad just yesterday.


Seriously though. It looks nice. I'd just keep an eye out for damage/breakage as it grows. If that becomes a problem I'd jump ship and go back dark before you have to cut too much of your growth. I have no specific care tips because my hair does not tolerate color AT.ALL, so I don't do it.

Oh no I look to grown!!! Thats what I'm trying to avoid! I already look older than I am! LMAO at you saying you are not ready for me to grow up!!......you 've been watching me grow through the maturation of my threads!! (Although alot of them are not so ummmm mature:perplexed!!)

The good thing about this color thing is that I'm not trying to grow it out now....I just wanna keep it as short as possible. If its gets damaged I'll just cut it off and start again!! I just don't want any chemical burns or anything that can mess me up permanently...

I agree with danysedai, it's adorable. We run reddish in my family. I didn't realize I had it until I stopped chemically processing my my hair for a while. Go figure.

Thank You, yeah my hair is naturally reddish too, in the summer time it gets real light (not this light, but light)....I like my natural hair color but I needed a change!!

When did you bc??? I must have missed that thread. Kudo's to you and from what I can tell the color looks great on you.

Why Thank You!!!....I BC'd back in October...

I love it!!! With my experience you must always, always wait a while before touching it up when you have short hair. I know, I know, you gonna have to look at those ugly roots, but that's really the only way to minimize overlapping. You are gonna get some, but nothing major that should cause your hair to fall out. It is just one of those things that I experienced when I was trying to keep my hair short while chemically processing it. Also, stay on top of you DC and protein. I wore my hair that color blonde for two years with no breakage and maintained at BSL(front layers)/MBL(back). Good luck!

Thanks...yeah I'm gonna try to wait until after it grows out to dye it, I just got it cut even shorter..so it should take no time for this to grow out so that I can do it again...I have like less than a 1 cm of hair on my head, so overlapping is inevitable!! I will definitely stay on top of the DC and the protein! Thanks for the advice!

Do you like it JnB??? That is what matter most. I tend to like warmer colors and maybe I am use to seeing you with dark hair but I liked it better dark.

Do I think it's ugly?? No.

Soooo OT: Your brows are perfection.

Thats so funny that you say my eyebrows look good...when I went to go get them done the lady kept telling me how messed up they are. She kept say..."OHHH they so thin, not look good" (in my best chinese? accent) I had to tell her that I have a thyroid problem and this is a symptom...raggedy thinning eyebrows!! :ohwell: Thanks for the input!!
Ok WHY did you cut your hair? I am terrified of the cuts and trims... but your hair looks good, not everyone can rock short and blonde, but it looks great on you! Goes well with your freckles too!
I dont have any suggestions about maintaining the color ( i want to dye but i am afraid i will screw it up-- so share your knowledge as you go please)

Mostly I just wanted to tell you IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! congratulations on your cute cut, and cute color! :)
I think it goes good with your freckles too. Someone asked me why did i color my hair black- i said it grows black- they said but you have freckles-- your hair should be lighter right- hahaha. I think you look cute.
I think it looks fabulous!! Not ugly at all. As far as maitaining I would say definitely up the protein treatments to make sure your hair stays strong.
I have to be honest..... I think it's very pretty on you! The color is beautiful :yep: You remind me of my great niece. lol Whenever she hits the beach or stays out in the sun her hair turns a strawberryish blonde. I heart your freckles! You're just so cute!