Dyed Hair too Dark. Anyway to naturally Lighten it?

It will work but might dry your hair out it did my hair before, but I used this and it didn't dry as much I think those medicated shampoo'sstrip your hair all of them :)
If Head and Shoulders does not work try Prell (the original version). After several shampooings it should lighten somewhat. Just make sure to DC really well with something moisturizing.
Ms. Cleo said:
If Head and Shoulders does not work try Prell (the original version). After several shampooings it should lighten somewhat. Just make sure to DC really well with something moisturizing.

thanks!! i will probably DC after. i am happy to say that i DC'd with ORS Replenish Pak (my fav) and my hair is so soft and I didn't expierence any breakage at all ...and i just texlaxed two days before as well:eek: :sekret: :spank: :eek: veery risky but i thought my hair was in great condition to handle it. i do a DC 2 -3 times a week.