
I started using MT in October but after 2 months i stopped due to the excessive shedding. i've tried garlic pills, garlic conditioners, and tea rinses without success. It's been a while and it hasn't decreased at all.

Has anyone noticed decreased shedding since they stopped using MT?
You said you tried garlic shampoos and what not. How about actual garlic alone? I would cut up a garlic clove, put 2 tablespoons of water on it,nuke in micorwave for 10 seconds and add this to a mixture of a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and a tablespoon of castor oil. DC for about 30 minutes and see what that does. Garlic will stop shedding, castor oil makes hair thicker and aloe vera gel will start the regrowth process. This is just an educated guess on the recipe. Good luck and I hope you find the magic cure.

ETA~Even though it's a guess, it will not make your hair fall out, it's natural. If you're allergic to aloe vera, garlic or castor oil, then yeah, beware...
I also had this problem, but I soon discovered I was anemic which was causing a lot of shedding. Once I started taking iron pills the shedding stopped. I hope you find out the cause soon.
You said you tried garlic shampoos and what not. How about actual garlic alone? I would cut up a garlic clove, put 2 tablespoons of water on it,nuke in micorwave for 10 seconds and add this to a mixture of a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and a tablespoon of castor oil. DC for about 30 minutes and see what that does. Garlic will stop shedding, castor oil makes hair thicker and aloe vera gel will start the regrowth process. This is just an educated guess on the recipe. Good luck and I hope you find the magic cure.

ETA~Even though it's a guess, it will not make your hair fall out, it's natural. If you're allergic to aloe vera, garlic or castor oil, then yeah, beware...

I'll give it a try. Thanks
I also had this problem, but I soon discovered I was anemic which was causing a lot of shedding. Once I started taking iron pills the shedding stopped. I hope you find out the cause soon.

I never knew about shedding until I came to this forum. The only time I saw shed hair was when i took braids out but since I started MT they got out of control. I am also 5 moths post but I don't know if it has anything to do with it. This is my first transition.