Dull shears???

I think I figured it out ladies...why my hair has been looking a mess.

I think it was the trim I received during my last salon visit... I have been getting trims at 12 week and on June 10th I got a trim. Looking at some pics from that day, my ends look horrible. I was sooooo happy because it was my birthday and I was wearing a new dress that I forgot to reeeeeally look at my hair. It also did not occur to me that my stylist had to cut one area like 5 times (I thought to myself: "oh, wow, must've had a lot of splits"--what must've happened is that the shears weren't really cutting!!!!!!!!!

So, now, I think I will need to find another stylist and get another trim. Also, I usually only get the back evened out but this time I had my ENTIRE head trimmed!!!! So, my entire head looks BUSTED.

No idea what to do in the meantime, as I am afraid to even touch my hair. This is the only thing I can think of that would have changed my hair so drastically.

Has this ever happened to anyone??...Or am I just finally seeing my less than 100% healthy ends catching up to me?....Ugh, my ends actually look chewed...they have NEVER looked this bad!!!!!!
It probally was the shears.Invest in a new pair of shears and do it yourself or ask the stylist if her shears are new and sharp before you sit in her chair next time.Other than that,I would check your combs/brushes and get good quality/seamless if you don't have them already.After a fresh trim your ends should not look horrible again.So its either something you are doing or the shears did it.

That's why I do my own trims. I know that my shears are sharp cause they are used on my hair and my hair only
:eek: Oh my gosh! How unprofessional! That woman knows good and well those shears are dull! That's ridiculous!

Have you thought about doing your own trims?
In terms of good trimming shears, visit Sephora & get the 5 1/2 Tweezerman. They're the sharpest pair of trimming shears I've ever come across.
this happened to me. I have a pair of good shears, but my husband was using them as house scissors. I didn't know it until many months later when I caught him using them. I've since purchased another pair, and my ends look fine now.