Dudley's Moisture Retainer


New Member
Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer

I was reading a couple of old threads about Dudley's Moisture Retainer and I am wondering for those members who used it.....are you still using it? How have the results been for you?

Does this product add moisture to your hair and then "lock" it in ? Or do you moisturize with a different leave-in and then use the moisture retainer? (sorry if the question seem weird, but I'm a bit confused on the right way to use the product)

I read also read that a couple of members use Empress Moisture Retainer instead of Dudley's......how does the Empess product compare? Has anyone else found other similar products by other companies?

Thanks for your help.....I'm considering trying Dudley's but wanted to learn more about the product first.
Re: Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer

I still use it. I used it recently with no leave in and it worked really well. I hadn't used it on wet hair before. Makes the hair noticeably soft and feels very well mositurized.
Re: Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer

I tried it on dry hair several times and didn't like it. However, since the name says retain I think it is much better used on wet hair to help retain the moisture. I tried it on my son's hair this way and liked it.
Re: Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer


So you would usually use a leave-in first and then the moisture retainer?
Re: Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer

Sure! My son's hair is a type 3 I believe and I keep it cut close for the most part but, I still baby his hair.

One of my friends didn't understand it, but, the way I see it I want my son's hair to look good not all dry and nappy looking.
Re: Dudley\'s Moisture Retainer

I have used this product on my son's hair. I have also used the Ferm Moisture Retainer Creme. It is made by Avlon (Keracare). I like the Ferm product much better.