Dudes, Stop Trying To Make Arrest Proposals Fetch! Uggghhhh

Everytime I see this one and she crosses her legs bending over after he proposes I think she had been scared to death...so much so she had hold back from urinating herself by crossing her legs after she realized he was ok and was proposing.

These are all terrible but my least favorite.one.is when the gf walks between cops pointing a weapon or something at her man and her man. Then he proposes. smh. Just terrible.
After I was relieved that the did not have Her fake-arrested.
:cup: I'll give him a pass on this. I was pleasantly pleased at this skit; he played his part well. It seems he knows her VERY WELL & was confident in the outcome of this skit.

I would not be a candidate for such a SKIT, as "MY" response to such a situation would not be too predictable:crystalball:; as a matter of fact you'd better plan for a pretty bad outcome.:couchfire:
I was just in the baby Future first day of school thread. It's a trip because I think it's really nice when another man steps in for a child, but there's certainly a double standard because I would never do that myself.
I was just in the baby Future first day of school thread. It's a trip because I think it's really nice when another man steps in for a child, but there's certainly a double standard because I would never do that myself.
I see more women embracing their SO/BF/Husband's kids full scale the way Russell has than men. Both sexes will usually shame women about not immediately acting as though she is the second mother to the children of a man she's involved with.
I see more women embracing their SO/BF/Husband's kids full scale the way Russell has than men. Both sexes will usually shame women about not immediately acting as though she is the second mother to the children of a man she's involved with.

Oh man, my bad, I meant to post this in a different thread. I agree with you too but I think a lot of it is bs. Your value as a woman is not determined by how well you take are of someone else's kids. I'll save that for the other thread though.
I saw this when it was first posted and I didn't comment because it would have been full of expletives. The dramatic proposals really do tell a lot about the people involved, though. For example this man who made the proposal all about him and what was happening to him vs. that thread of the other couple where the guy organized a scavenger hunt and had her all excited to win a prize. See, the first proposal is about the man, the other proposal is about her/them as a couple (I think the fake prize was like a vacation or tix to something - doesn't matter it was fake anyway lol) If I end up with any man that would feign hurt, harassment, danger or something else to himself then I already know I got a narcissistic drama queen on my hands. No thanks.
I can see it if you're going away for a while.

That way, you can get married beforehand to make sure you can set up conjugal/contraband visits.