Drying Hair With A Paper Towel?


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Paper Towel Tricks

Using a regular towel to dry hair will remove too much of the products you put on. Instead, use paper towels or an old T-shirt to gently squeeze out excess water.

Just interested on your thoughts on this tip. I wanna try it!
I just saw that too. What a waste, but I'll do it nonetheless if it has merit. I will try it next time I wash and DC.
I have heard of many ladies here using t shirts on their hair for a wash and go with conditioner
I just so happens i had been DC'ing overnight. So i washed out the condish and blotted with 5 paper towels (my hair is only SL and thin :wallbash:) I can definitely see how this may not be economical for people with long thick hair. But anyways it didn't feel the same to me after i had dried it so maybe they are on to something...

they was also a tip on there about doing cowashes instead of using shampoo. :rolleyes:
Well I used to do the t-shirt thing but my coils would get caught in the fibers. So now I just use a big piece of silk fabric. I tie it around my hair and it soaks up the water pretty quickly. Works for me!
Er...pray do tell, exactly how does a towel wipe products of hair and a T-shirt doesn't? :confused: Also what products are you trying not to remove from hair? Isn't it just water, or do people use towels after applying leave-in products? Why?

When I dry my hair with a towel after washing it, I simply wrap and squeeze and let the towel absorb as much moisture as I want then take it off. If I need my hair not to be dry, as when I wore twists and wanted them to drip dry, I would just drape the towel over my shoulders and let my hair drip dry.

This makes no sense to me but to each his own. Especially since towels come in so many different textures, some rough and some so soft the give T-shirts a run for their money. *shrug*
I use about 3 pieces of paper towel after I lightly towel dry my hair; I think it's really effective, but it is kind of wasteful...maybe I'll try out the t-shirt method :)
Er...pray do tell, exactly how does a towel wipe products of hair and a T-shirt doesn't? :confused: Also what products are you trying not to remove from hair? Isn't it just water, or do people use towels after applying leave-in products? Why?


My guess here is that terry cloth is more absorbent and has larger fibers. T-Shirt fibers won't absorb as much so heavier substances (conditioner) stays on the hair.

It does work. I place a bit of jersey knit fabric between my hair and micro fiber bonnet. The bonnet gets the water, and I am left with very moisturized hair.
My guess here is that terry cloth is more absorbent and has larger fibers. T-Shirt fibers won't absorb as much so heavier substances (conditioner) stays on the hair.

It does work. I place a bit of jersey knit fabric between my hair and micro fiber bonnet. The bonnet gets the water, and I am left with very moisturized hair.

I'm guessing this is for those who don't rinse off conditioner completely so want to leave some on? I personally do rinse my conditioner completely off otherwise I risk breakouts and itches so maybe that's why it wasn't making sense to me. My belief is the rinse-off conditioners are made in such away that coating products are left on your hair when you rinse off (eg cones) so I don't remove them when I dry my hair. My hair still feels sleek and smooth after rinsing and toweling dry.

In any case, if I wanted conditioner left in my hair, I think I'd rinse completely then use my towel to soak up some of the water so my hair was in a damp state then apply conditioner using wet hands. The idea of using paper towels sounds too wasteful to me and T-shirts or towels soaked with conditioner sound too messy to me and just gives me extra laundry to do which I loathe. :nono:

I'll stick to towels. A lot of my hair idols have used towels with no setbacks so... *shrug*.
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i am a t-shirt/wifebeater fan. t-shirts make my hair way less frizzy and remove less conditioner. idk how, but i noticed it last summer when i WNG'd everyday. i didn't have a t-shirt a few weeks ago, so i had to use a towel...my hair felt so DRY when i removed it, and not in a good way.