Dry wrapping while preventing sore hairline


New Member
OK so I get a sore scalp in the front hairline when I wrap in one direction but I LOVE the way my hair turns out. Crosswrapping works sometimes, but my hair is still so short and I dont always like the way the crosswrap turns out. I was just on another forum and a chick posted that she wraps everynight while preserving her hairline to prevent the soreness.

If you wrap going towards your right, part hair on the left then before you wrap anything use a scarf (silk, satin) as a headband (fold it or whatever to make a headband). Tie that around your edges and push it back a little. Then wrap the remainder around the headband.

Seems like it would work... I'm trying it now but too early to tell because I just did it.

Anyone tried this already? Good results?
Interesting, I think I get it...I will try that out. I actually just unwrapped my hair seconds ago, and my left edges hurt a little, lol...But yeah, I don't mind crosswrapping but because my hair is short it's a bit harder AND it also makes the hair super flat looking...
Yeah my left front is sore from last night. I hope this works! She didn't have a picture but its simple enough. I took a pic of how mine looks.. will post in a sec
Bumping this old thread just to say this works. I wish I saw this thread years ago. No more sore scalp or weird cowlick!

I actually remove the headband after wrapping and quickly tie the wrap down. Works great.
The left side if my hairline become sore when I wrap my hair in the cone. I hate that. I cross wrap but it still not the same. When I saran wrap I make sure only wrap 10-15 minutes under dryer.