Dry Scalp?

A few years ago, I went to a hair stylist who told me that the flakes that had been plaguing me for a few months was not dandruff, but a condition called dry scalp. I thought that it sounded weird, b/c I thought that dandruff was caused by a dry scalp. The only difference taht I can tell from the two was that dry scalp flakes tended to be bigger, and they weren't white (and blakc ppl do get whit dandruff) but a brown color, and it tends not to deposit as much as dandruff does.

Has anyone here heard of this, or was this hair stylist just talking out of her bum?
copied from another site-
Dandruff is caused by the shedding of skin, which results in medium to large size, oily, white flakes. Dry scalp is caused by a lack of moisture or natural oils on the scalp which results in small, dry flakes, and itchiness.

One would think that having dandruff means a dry scalp. Dandruff problems tend to occur more frequently in people with oily skin and hair. The condition only improves when you shampoo your hair more often. People who have dry scalp usually are dry all over their body.

Dandruff occurs for a variety of reasons. Emotional stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, excessive consumption of sugars, fats, and starches, are all causes of dandruff. Poor hygiene and heredity are also major factors in people suffering with dandruff.

The weather also plays an enormous part as dandruff is usually seasonal. It is most harsh during the winter and mildest during the summer. Dry scalp also occurs when there is a change and the temperature drops. You hair and skin need constant moisture.
Hi Uncutandgettinglonger

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. I get really bad dandruff/flaky scalp and sometimes eczema on my forehead and eyebrows.
I found this remedy on a website, which is use apple cider vinegar daily for a week. I put neat vinegar in a spray bottle (you can dilute it if you want) and sprayed my scalp all over, left it on for half an hour, then washed and conditioned. Shampooing, not forgetting behind your ears and stuff will get rid of the smell completely. It works your scalp will be clear in a week!! :D It also works better than any shampoo I've ever tried including Selsun and Nizoral.
If you miss any spots on your scalp, or get dry skin on your forehead you can dab vinegar on using a cotton ball before bed. The smell will evaporate over night, and most if not all the flakiness will be gone.
After daily treatment for a week you only have to do it once a week or even a month. I also shampoo out with T-gel anti-dandruff for dry hair (it smells really nice and is a mild anti-dandruff shampoo) as extra back up as if you miss a spot it can become flaky again. Good luck!! This has really helped me manage my dandruff. Plus, apple cider vinegar is really cheap. My health store sells a litre for about £2.
I think this only works if your flaky scalp is caused by yeast though, I don't think it works if you have psoarisis but it's worth a try you might have the one caused by yeast (the one that T-gel, Nizoral, etc treats)
uncutandgettinglonger said:
A few years ago, I went to a hair stylist who told me that the flakes that had been plaguing me for a few months was not dandruff, but a condition called dry scalp. I thought that it sounded weird, b/c I thought that dandruff was caused by a dry scalp. The only difference taht I can tell from the two was that dry scalp flakes tended to be bigger, and they weren't white (and blakc ppl do get whit dandruff) but a brown color, and it tends not to deposit as much as dandruff does.

Has anyone here heard of this, or was this hair stylist just talking out of her bum?

I suffer from dry/itchy scalp :(. My derm said that I have sebborric dermatititis(sp). My stylist told me the same thing 'dry scalp.'
uncutandgettinglonger said:
Thank you very much for your comments. Do you know where I can get Apple cider Vineagar.

Any grocery store or health food store. Just make sure you get apple cider vinegar and not apple cider FLAVORED vinegar. :)
apple cider vinegar is really great for a number of things.It cured my heartburn that i had for 3 days straight!!

I also have dry itchy scalp.I have dermatitis and the only thing that worked for me was coal tar shampoo.You can get it at any drug store.

I use the one by neutrogena,it has a tingling sensation that really makes my toes curl. :D
uncutandgettinglonger said:
A few years ago, I went to a hair stylist who told me that the flakes that had been plaguing me for a few months was not dandruff, but a condition called dry scalp. I thought that it sounded weird, b/c I thought that dandruff was caused by a dry scalp. The only difference taht I can tell from the two was that dry scalp flakes tended to be bigger, and they weren't white (and blakc ppl do get whit dandruff) but a brown color, and it tends not to deposit as much as dandruff does.

Has anyone here heard of this, or was this hair stylist just talking out of her bum?

I think you're talking about seborrheic dermatitis. I think it's different from dandruff because it causes oily scaly patches....