Dry scalp???


New Member
For you ladies who do not use hair grease, what do you use to combat dry scalp? I have not used hair grease in 2 months. Sometimes I use WGO but it smells so bad!!! Would a moisturizing conditioner applied directly to my scalp during CO washes make my scalp flake up? Or should I give in and use a little bit of grease once a week?
I also have a problem with dry scalp and i have been dodging grease for the past 3 and a half years.... I use oils on my hair, I have love the WGO benefits but not the smell!!!! When I do use it I usually dilute it with some other type of oil such as DooGro making sure i put a 1:3 ratio on the mixture (1 part WGO and 3 parts Doo gro) because the smell of wgo can be so dominating... This has helped but be careful because the doo gro is not as saturated as the WGO so if you use it without thinking you may end up with oil running down your forehead or something... But I find that if I use the WGO on my hair and scalp when it is wet, along with some Infusium 23 leave in conditioner, I can't even smell the WGO after it dries... As for moisturizers, I usually don't use creams because they have a way of making my hair curl back up..... But you may want to experiment with different techniques to see whatever works best for you.... Hopes this helps...

Keez1979, are you taking any Evening Primrose Oil or MSM or Flaxseed Oil? Maybe you need to treat your dry scalp from the inside: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, eat oily fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and a variety of nuts. I don't know if you use olive oil for cooking but you can also take it as a supplement. I would say sprinkle some in your salad or food coz it tastes
on its own. Or you can take codliver oil. Do you like garlic? It's supposed to be great for skin. My guess is, if you can eat foods good for skin, your scalp may benefit too. My favorite garlic supplement (should you decide to take it) is Garlinase 4000 - very potent without the smell, and only one needed per day. BTW, is the rest of your skin usually dry too? If not, could you be using a shampoo that's drying...One that's probably better suited to people who get dandruff from having an oily scalp? I read that Emu oil is supposed to be great for your hair and scalp and I found a website that talked of an Emu Shampoo that's good for dry hair and dry scalp. Maybe you could try that? I imagine it'd be great for hair since Emu oil does penetrate the hair. Here's the shampoo.

I don't like to apply conditioner to my scalp coz I'm afraid of build-up which might lead to itches. And that's why when I do an ACV rinse I focus on massaging my scalp to make sure no residue remains which might clog my pores. I don't even put an oil on my scalp...but I do get itches when I drench my hair in an oil concoction and put a plastic cap on for a pre-shampoo overnight treatment. In other words, the only time I get itches is when anything gets on my scalp. Go figure.

If you do use Emu shampoo, try not to apply anything for a while so you can see if it helps. I think sometimes we don't really get to find out what works coz we don't wait long enough before trying something else out.

I hope you find a solution soon, and do let us know what works.
