Dry Scalp/Dandruff or Food Allergies?


New Member
Has anyone who thought they had dry scalp/psoriasis/dermatitis/dandruff discovered later, after using the various products, that they just had a food allergy?

Its been suggested to me that my condition may be more of an allergy than a scalp problem.
mscounselor said:
Has anyone who thought they had dry scalp/psoriasis/dermatitis/dandruff discovered later, after using the various products, that they just had a food allergy?

Its been suggested to me that my condition may be more of an allergy than a scalp problem.

Hi mscounselor,

I have seborrhic dermattis, at least according to my derm, and never thought about it being a food allergy....will have to look into it though. Wonder if there are any test that I could take to see if I have any food allergies? thanks for posting this.....now you have me thinking.