Dry roots


New Member
I just based my scalp because tomorrow is relaxer day. I noticed that the roots of my hair are *very* dry. This should not be because I moisturize my hair every day. This past monday I diluted some olive oil with distilled water, sectioned my hair and sprayed some on my roots. I did this only once, I thought it was would be too much for my hair if I did it every other day or every day. The other days, I just used some Hollywood carrot oil, or my mixture of scurl/carefree gold activator. I massaged them into my hair instead of sectioning off my hair(maybe that was the problem). I'm not sure what to do, but I will ask my beautician tomorrow. I did a conditioner wash with moisturefuse wednesday night. I am getting closer to solving the puzzle of my hair, I can feel it!
I would appreciate any help you all could give me.
When my roots get dry I use either profectiv root health or pure castor oil. The latter is richer and will keep the roots and scalp more moist for longer. I find with the root health I have to do it every day.
Castor oil really does help! I wash and apply it all around my hairline. throw on my scarf on and when I wake up I have very soft, shiny edges. Beware though when you first apply it, it is sticky..