Dry Roots Part 2.


New Member
So I put up a thread earlier about having severely dry roots. A lot of people suggested Castor Oil, which seems to be doing fine for the body of my hair, but not the "kitchen" or the sides. I tend to find that I'll wake up in the morning having creamed my hair the night before and yet my back and sides feel like all the moisture has been sucked out of them. Both sections are very short compared to the rest of mt hair. I'm trying to grow them back but I feel like I'm taking a step backward with this dryness.

My hair texture is 4B mostly with some 4A. It's also, relaxed. I tie my hair up with a satin head scarf and I moisturise my hair everyday; condition every week and wash it every fortnight. What am I doing wrong?
I think the scarf is the problem. If you tie it tight it could cause breakage on the sides & nape. Try using a bonnet when using thr castor to see if that helps.
I have a bonnet, but it's no good for me because it keeps slipping off my head at night. I dunno what it is, but I often sleep with two headscarfs on my head just to be on the safe side. I was told by a friend that it might be the elastic in the bonnet causing friction as most of the damage appears to be at the very back of my head.
Instead of tying the scarf in the back, just cross the two ends and then tie it in the front - it's easy to get your hair caught when you tie it in the back and you don't notice until there is damage.

I use a few clips in the front of my head with a bonnet if I'm worried about it slipping off.

Try purchasing a satin pillow case - then you eliminate the bonnet and scarf altogether.

When I was transitioning, to keep my roots moist I would mist them with braid spray (African Pride) and I kept my oils in an applicator bottle so I could get it right to my scalp w/o having to part my ng. This saved me a lot of grief and manipulation. :yep:
So if I buy a satin pillow case, I don't need to cover my hair?

Also, how do I overcome porsity? I think that may be it to be honest. My edges in particular just seem to dry out amd castor oil doesn't seem to be cutting it