
New Member
my niece has very dry and itchy scalp and nothing seem to help. I have tried a couple of tea tree shampoo's. They help for a day but then after that she still has an itchy scalp. I was told to try lemon once on her scalp that didn't do anything at all. She uses oils so that it not too dry, but even still it itches. She is natural has been for over 5yrs she normally keeps her hair in braids because when she tries to wear her hair it itches so much (in one main spot) that her hair breaks and falls out. I am looking to you for help she is too young to have to keep her beautiful hair covered. maybe you can help with a remedy or if you have had issues like this what has help you? what shampoo or conditioner she should use. If something like this has been ask please forgive me I was unable to find it. Thanks for all your help.
I would take a trip to the dermatologist. Also try exfoliating the scalp with a mixture of brown sugar and oil. Take a look at products, because this could be an allergic reaction to products being used.
I have had itchy scalp for years and it was worse in areas. I have done a combination of things. I do a scalp detox with a mudwash on a regular basis. You can also use rhassoul clay or bentonite clay. I also use AO conditioners which are also scalp treatments.

But I do remember seeing on the board some ladies were using a shampoo that helped with different issues. Maybe someone will come into the post with the name. I believe it's just a shampoo that you can buy at the drug store.
I would take a trip to the dermatologist. Also try exfoliating the scalp with a mixture of brown sugar and oil. Take a look at products, because this could be an allergic reaction to products being used.

We have been to a dermatologist, they said she has Alopecia. The problem with that is her hair does grow. Most people with alopecia their hair doesn't grow back her hair grows back, It the fact that she keep Scratching it that it falls out. (we have gone many times with no success) They gave her meds for her scalp that doesn't work. If her hair is in braids very little itching. it's only when she takes the braids out that she has the unbearable issue. Sometimes you have to go old school and try a remedy. So that is why i am reaching out to you.
I have had itchy scalp for years and it was worse in areas. I have done a combination of things. I do a scalp detox with a mudwash on a regular basis. You can also use rhassoul clay or bentonite clay. I also use AO conditioners which are also scalp treatments.

But I do remember seeing on the board some ladies were using a shampoo that helped with different issues. Maybe someone will come into the post with the name. I believe it's just a shampoo that you can buy at the drug store.

I will try a couple of the suggestions you have listed, I am going to try some natures gate to see if that helps at all.
I have a dry itchy scalp and couldn't go no more than 3 days without shampooing. But I have found that Clear Hair Scalp Therapy with Shea Butter shampoo worked for me, it allowed me to go 1-2 weeks without shampooing again. Also Ouidad Daily Essential Shampoo & Condish worked well on my scalp as well as regular co-washes in between. So now I wash with shampoo once a week or once every two weeks and co-wash once or twice a week in between with Tresemme Naturals condish.
How old is your niece? My daughter had this problem as a little girl. Has her mom tried Glover's hair treatment as a pre poo? What product is used to moisturize hair or oil your niece's scalp? We found Shea butter or olive oil helpful.
Maybe she could try using an essential oil serum for her scalp or using neem oil, which both have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Neem oil is strong. How old is this child? If this child is younger than age 13, I would speak with a pharmacist, a dermatologist or someone trained in using herbs before using this on her scalp.
& Not to mention-- Neem oil is rank.

Unless it is being washed out, I would not want my future child going anywhere in public with that smell lingering.
HWAY and yaya24 oh I wasn't aware that it had such a strong scent. I have used neem powder before, but I heard good things about the oil as well. It doesn't have to be used at full strength, I can probably be diluted with olive oil or coconut oil. If it is used with essential oils that might also help.

I have read scientific studies from India about neem oil being used on young school children to prevent the spread of the flu over there, so I don't think it would be dangerous. But I agree that everyone should always do their own research when it comes to using herbs and such for their children and family.
Do you know what products she uses on her scalp on a daily basis?
It seems odd that the dermatologist hasn't recommended anything.

I don't know if you have tried these, but I know Neutrogena T Gel Shampoo has helped with a few of people I know.
My mother has mild scalp psoriasis and she has used the T Gel shampoo and Neutrogena's Clean Replenishing Shampoo...its helped her a lot.
I have a dry itchy scalp and couldn't go no more than 3 days without shampooing. But I have found that Clear Hair Scalp Therapy with Shea Butter shampoo worked for me, it allowed me to go 1-2 weeks without shampooing again. Also Ouidad Daily Essential Shampoo & Condish worked well on my scalp as well as regular co-washes in between. So now I wash with shampoo once a week or once every two weeks and co-wash once or twice a week in between with Tresemme Naturals condish.

I will add this to my list of things to try. I am so thankful that you are sharing what has helped you.
trinity8mod8 - I purchased some anti itch serum from salon pro, I even tried witch hazel because i heard that was good for the scalp. It helped for about 3 days then she had the itch again. I think i may need to put some products together to find the right one for her..
Neem oil is strong. How old is this child? If this child is younger than age 13, I would speak with a pharmacist, a dermatologist or someone trained in using herbs before using this on her scalp.

she is 19 but we have been dealing with this for some time now.. doctors can't seem to help. maybe i can use that and mix it with something so the smell isn't so strong.
ceecy29 - it's good to know someone else is going through this (not really good but to know she isn't alone) I'm glad you are able to get some help as well. This is a beast.
There is a thread where a member used borax and she swears that it stopped her itching scalp.
Has she taken antibiotics recently? Regardless, there was a study that found a link between dandruff/itchy scalp and an imbalance in the ph/bacteria on the scalp. Have her try probiotics with Lactobacillus paracasei. Also, acv rinses are helpful when done at least 3 days in a row. I have been battling dandruff for quite some time. I have also had chronic sinus infections and took a plethora of antibiotics over the years. I realized my problem was the antibiotics. So I filled a squirt bottle with half water, half braggs acv and applied it to my scalp and left it overnight. I repeated this for 3 nights then washed. I also took probiotics and so far my scalp feels much better. Good luck.

Here's a video I found on YouTube that helped me.

we found that when we use tea tree oil and olive oil with a mint leaf it help her scalp a whole lot. It still itches from time to time but very little the breakage of her hair has stop I think after all the information giving and trail and error we have finally found something that works.