Dry Hair


Active Member
Sup Ladies. :)
My hair is so so unbelievably dry, i'm blaming the harsh winter, the northerly winds + the snow.
my hair really needs some TLC, it's breaking like there's no tomorrow.
any tips to combat this breakage?
in the summer i'm juicing, but in the winter months i'm using :

moisturizing and sealing [with EVOO] once daily
also i read combing/brushing dry hair is bad?
i normally comb my hair every night to de-tangle before i moisturize and seal
please help ladies.
thanks in advance :D
What help me is Hawaiin Silky 14n1. I mix it with Hairveda brand oil. Very moisturizing and my roots are very soft and moisturized.

I tried this and maybe I had a bad batch, cause it was just very oily, none moisturizing. I didn't even finsh the bottle. However I was a big fan of the moisturizing olive oil in the jar.
You gave us a part of your regimen, but what's the rest of it? How often do you wash your hair? How often do you DC? What products do you use?

The ORS hair lotion may be contributing to your dryness because of the mineral oil and silicones. The harsh winter probably has a lot to do with it as well. I find that steam treatments/deep-conditioning every time that I wash my hair helps.

Also, you may need have product build-up & just need to clarify. I don't comb my hair when it's dry (i.e., non-moisturized and/or product-free).
Umm if you're just looking for suggestions...I love Darcy's Botanicals Coconut Lemongrass Transitioning Creme. Very moisturizing
You may want to also try Baggying this winter in the evenings. Also Upping your Water Intake and maybe doing more Co-Washing and HOTs (Hot Oil Treatments).

The Air is super dry inside & out so it's important to keep your Moisture on Point. To lock it in and seal with a good oil.
Sup Ladies. :)
My hair is so so unbelievably dry, i'm blaming the harsh winter, the northerly winds + the snow.
my hair really needs some TLC, it's breaking like there's no tomorrow.
any tips to combat this breakage?
in the summer i'm juicing, but in the winter months i'm using :

moisturizing and sealing [with EVOO] once daily
also i read combing/brushing dry hair is bad?
i normally comb my hair every night to de-tangle before i moisturize and seal
please help ladies.
thanks in advance :D

I used that product as a moisturizer when I first tried transitioning. My hair was so unmanageable (difficult to part, comb etc) and breaking so I gave up and relaxed.

This second go round I'm using s-curl/ care free curl with aloe vera juice mixed in for the warmer months, bee mine and qhemet's AOHC and my hair is soft and very combable with minimal breakage.

Perhaps you could ditch that for a while and try a different moisturizer. I honestly thought that my hair was unmanageable and it turned out that I simply wasn't moisturizing it well enough.
My hair has been super dry this winter!! Like a previous poster stated, try the baggy method. I've been doing that for about a week and it has definitely helped curb the dryness. I usually spray my ends with water, add a light conditioner, seal with olive oil (I am still working on a consistent method), and then cover with a sandwich bag....it has definitely helped!!
Your regi could be a factor.
I juice in the summer and use a creamier moisturizer for the winter - Bee Mine Balanced Cream Moizturizer.
Baggying helps also.
I won't comment on the product you posted coz I've never used it, but evoo doesn't work for everyone, theoretically it should, since it's one of the oils that penetrates, but it doesn't work for everyone. You can switch to an oil that coats the hair like almond oil, safflower oil, or grapeseed oil and see. The reason I say that is that I used olive oil one time a few years ago and it didn't really work for ME for daily use. It was heavy and my hair didn't like it. I was disappointed but I let it go.
I use a leave in mixture of olive oil, conditioner and water...then seal with vasoline @ night...My hair has been so soft so far this winter....Also DCing and protein treatments helps with breaking..
I use a leave in mixture of olive oil, conditioner and water...then seal with vasoline @ night...My hair has been so soft so far this winter....Also DCing and protein treatments helps with breaking..

Co-signing. :yep:

The winter is my shedding season so I try not to fiddle with it too much. I know it's hard because you want to mess with it MORE to get it to stop breaking but it only makes it worse. Do a really good DC, (figure out which proteins your hair can take/likes... my grass HATED Aphogee with a PASSION but it liked Mane N Tail, eggs, and Nexxus Emergencee), and try to put it up and leave it alone. Definitely keep your water intake up during the cold months.
aww, thanks for all the replies ladies
someone asked about my regi?
atm: i moisturize and seal daily, as cited above
i wash once a week, i used to co-wash one per week to but got lazy
my was regime:
6 braids, rinse hair, shampoo with whatever's available, then i used ORS replenishing pak as a D/C (i dunno if that's working well for me?)
could anyone suggest some good D/Cs?
I don't have a steamer, so i put a plastic cap on, wrap in a towel or a hat, leave inf or about 4 hours +
rinse out, and if i can be bothered, i'll do an ACV rinse
i used to use aphogee 2 min re constructor, but i didn't feel like it was doing anything for me?

co-signing with the water intake, i definitely need to up my game in that area.

i was reading a thread about sealing with Vaseline, i may replace my EVOO for that, i'm scared it will coat my hair too much though, and just become a greasy mess.
I had the same issue what helps me here in dry DC is going overboard with jbco. What also helps using two different conditioners when I wash. I use garner triple nutrition and matrix biolage conditioning balm ( I think that's the name). I use jbco twice a day otherwise I would have a head of trouble.