Dry hair with cowashing regimen...


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. My hair is dry, I use nothing but conditioners, oil, and garnier fructise sleek and shine leave in. Rarely even use gel. By the time my hair dries, the top part is frizzy and lackluster. I woulda thought itd be moisturized due to conditioner but... not so much. Olive oil tends to make it feel drier. Coconut oil helps but not for very long. Anyone else have this problem?

Conditioners I use varies...usually suave coconut or pantene cowash, sometimes garnier fructise. Tired of buying tons of condish and none of it makes a difference. :wallbash: I DC on weekends, matter of fact just dc'd with beyond the zone last call...has eucalyptus oil and shea butter. Didn't really do much.

Thanks in advance.
Maybe try clarifying, then doing a protein treatment. My hair won't act right if I need to clarify or need a protein treatment. Is beyond the zone last call a moisturizing DC or a protein DC? I'm not super knowledgeable when it comes to ingredients...so it could either be that you are getting too much protein or too much moisture. Hopefully some other ladies chime in :)
Maybe try clarifying, then doing a protein treatment. My hair won't act right if I need to clarify or need a protein treatment. Is beyond the zone last call a moisturizing DC or a protein DC? I'm not super knowledgeable when it comes to ingredients...so it could either be that you are getting too much protein or too much moisture. Hopefully some other ladies chime in :)

That's my guess too. Perhaps you have build-up that's preventing the conditioners from penetrating your hair, that first needs to be removed. If that doesn't help, perhaps your hair just doesn't like garnier fructis, I know mine doesn't.
ITA with the other responders. I don't know about others who cowash on a reguar basis, but I get buildup if I don't use a clarifying conditioner or shampoo once a week. I'm sure others will chime in.
Completely agree re: clarifying.

Also, I don't know about the cone cons for cowashing? Maybe just stick w/ cone free like suave & VO5 moisture milks to avoid buildup?

Also, cowashing daily isn't for everyone. I had the same issue with it. All the conditioner et al may build up, also, the constant wetting and drying may be too much stress for your hair. You could go to a weekly wash routine, or try cowashing less frequently, or do a mix of both- eg. one wash & one co-wash per week.

Other reasons I got dryness when airdrying:

-I got softer hair airdrying in a t-shirt inside a towel than in air.
- My hair always dried kinda hard/dry when I put leave-ins in wet. I now put them in when my hair is almost dry.

I agree with the other responses, but if you're using protein heavy conditioners to co wash that could b a problem too.
Sounds like you have build up. I agree w/errrbody else. You need to Clarify.

If you are going to cowash on a regular with Conditioners with Cones, you'll have to incorporate clarifying into your regimen because you will definitely have build up from the Conditioner plus the Stylers you are using.
you need some shampoo in that reggie. you need to clarify and you need to find a conditioner that is more moisturizing. you are constantly coating your hair, and no moisture is getting in.
Thanks ladies! I clarified today with creamy aloe and deep conditioned with redken... So far so good but ill see how it goes once it dries. All the conditioners I use are moisture, not protien, and I always do a protien treatment once a week.
in addition to the suggestions about build up, it's also possible that you have hard water. i did everything i knew how to do -- nothing could moisturize my hair until i started washing with filtered water.

you can get a shower filter from target, walmart, or bed bath and beyond for about 30 bucks. if clarifying doesn't work, this would be my recommendation

I agree with the other responses, but if you're using protein heavy conditioners to co wash that could b a problem too.

Patene has protein in it.....
ORs does too

try using a warm oil or coconut oil w a cheapie moisturizing conditioner.
30 to 1 hr.
then rinse
& try
cheap moisturizing conditioners Vo5 or suave let sit about 30 to 45 min

no shampoo for now it maybe be too drying

this is working for me:yep:
When all I was doing was a cowash twice a day I made sure to shampoo atleast once a week. It didn't need to be clarify but it worked.
The garnier fructis has a lot of cones in it, so it may be that. Also, get your protein up. Moisture can't lock in
Maybe that's too much?

I agree. Once a week may be too much protein. My hair likes protein, but gets hard if I do it every week. I know wait a few weeks. I know some ladies do it every six months.

I also agree that it sounds like moisture is not getting through to your hair. Try clarifying and then do a deep pure moisture condition.
i personally would suggest you upgrade your products. Im not saying get more expensive conditioners but i think that the quality of the conditioners you are using are not that great.

sometimes its not really an issue of "moiture vs protien". its an issue of ingredients,their amounts in relation to each other and the residue they leave on the hair.
I am on a cowash only regimen and also startedhaving issues with dryness.

I realized that I can't let my hair completely dry naked. I let it airdry then add some conditoner to it and an oil to seal.

Are you airdrying your hair naked?
Try a chelating shampoo. It removes the mineral deposits left by hard water, allowing moisture to seep into your hair.
I am on a cowash only regimen and also startedhaving issues with dryness.

I realized that I can't let my hair completely dry naked. I let it airdry then add some conditoner to it and an oil to seal.

Are you airdrying your hair naked?

No, I always leave in some conditioner use a leave in.
i personally would suggest you upgrade your products. Im not saying get more expensive conditioners but i think that the quality of the conditioners you are using are not that great.

sometimes its not really an issue of "moiture vs protien". its an issue of ingredients,their amounts in relation to each other and the residue they leave on the hair.

I was afraid of that...any recommendations?