Dry Hair/Ends


New Member
I'm FRUSTRATED with my hair, really FRUSTRATED!
I'm a natural head with 4b/c? hair (very thich and coarse) and my hair is just seriously dry and I'm fed up! I had major damage and split ends from lack of care but I cut it at the beginning of the summer. My ends were better but the dryness has just gotten worse especially at the ends which causes tangles.
I cut again at the beginning of september, put my hair in braids and took them out a 10 days ago and I'm ready to slap some braids in there one mo time cuz I can't stand this anymore... I just feel like shaving all of my hair off some days :(

I wash with either CON shampoo (the one in the bottle with yellow cap) and have tried MOP C-System shampoo once. I also experience with different conditioners: Elucence MB, Daily Defense Tender Apple, all kinds of cholesterol, Suave Milk & Honey etc... I don't have a set routine and it's tiring to not be able to pinpoint exactly what works for me...
What frustrates me the most is that when I went natural last year in may things I'm trying to do now worked and my hair was soft & moisturized. But now those things don't work, spritzing with a water + oil+ glycerine mixture used to do wonders now I find myself with crispy ends at the end of the day (like right now)...
I'm basically beyon pissed, disappointed, annoyed, you name it...

Thanks for letting me vent and any suggestion is welcomed
Are you using a clarifying shampoo? I don't use CON, but I've read that a lot of the ladies on this board have problems w/build-up from using CON, which can cause the hair to feel dry.
try clarifying and try some s curl. i was natural up to 2 months ago. s curl was the only thing that kept my hair moist and soft. and i have coarse thick 4b hair like you.
It possible that it's time for a trim or dusting?

My hair does that when I need even just a little dusting. My hair gets tangled and seems dry. I don't really do big trims - maybe twice a year, but I dust the week after every touchup to help.
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MindTwister said:
I'm FRUSTRATED with my hair, really FRUSTRATED!
I'm a natural head with 4b/c? hair (very thich and coarse) and my hair is just seriously dry and I'm fed up! I had major damage and split ends from lack of care but I cut it at the beginning of the summer. My ends were better but the dryness has just gotten worse especially at the ends which causes tangles.
I cut again at the beginning of september, put my hair in braids and took them out a 10 days ago and I'm ready to slap some braids in there one mo time cuz I can't stand this anymore... I just feel like shaving all of my hair off some days :(

I wash with either CON shampoo (the one in the bottle with yellow cap) and have tried MOP C-System shampoo once. I also experience with different conditioners: Elucence MB, Daily Defense Tender Apple, all kinds of cholesterol, Suave Milk & Honey etc... I don't have a set routine and it's tiring to not be able to pinpoint exactly what works for me...
What frustrates me the most is that when I went natural last year in may things I'm trying to do now worked and my hair was soft & moisturized. But now those things don't work, spritzing with a water + oil+ glycerine mixture used to do wonders now I find myself with crispy ends at the end of the day (like right now)...
I'm basically beyon pissed, disappointed, annoyed, you name it...

Thanks for letting me vent and any suggestion is welcomed

I feel your pain, my hair is the same way. I slowly eliminated products to find out which one was causing the dryness. What I found was the shampoo dries my hair out. I started using Dr. Bonner's Castile soap or Black soap (I bought it from the African market). Now my hair is back to being soft except when I need to trim the ends. I also use Olive Oil in my hair and I find that really helps.
HoneyDew said:
It possible that it's time for a trim or dusting?

My hair does that when I need even just a little dusting. My hair gets tangled and seems dry. I don't really do big trims - maybe twice a year, but I dust the week after every touchup to help.
I've cut my hair twice in 2 months and I don't think it makes any difference except maybe the first week and then it goes back to being crunchy and tangled :(

Shawnee I've been looking at Castille Soap but how do you use it? Do you dilute it or apply as is? Also what conditioner do you use?
MindTwister said:
I've cut my hair twice in 2 months and I don't think it makes any difference except maybe the first week and then it goes back to being crunchy and tangled :(

Shawnee I've been looking at Castille Soap but how do you use it? Do you dilute it or apply as is? Also what conditioner do you use?

have you tried doin dc's? my hair is dry as well and i find that my dc's twice or once a week reall help. profectiv break feree is a great moisturizer for me . i make two big two strand twists and coat them with the protectiv while my hair is damp after the shower then i clip them up cover with my scarf and hit the sack. when i get up in the morning my hair is not damp any more and the twists are really moisturized :)
Shawnee66 said:
I feel your pain, my hair is the same way. I slowly eliminated products to find out which one was causing the dryness. What I found was the shampoo dries my hair out. I started using Dr. Bonner's Castile soap or Black soap (I bought it from the African market). Now my hair is back to being soft except when I need to trim the ends. I also use Olive Oil in my hair and I find that really helps.

I feel your pain too, my hair is the same way too. Shawnee66 gave you some great advice about the Olive Oil. Two week ago I was so frustrated with my hair and I washed my hair with VO5 Passion fruit shampoo it has soy protein in it. Then I mixed in my hand, LeKair Cholesterol Plus and Olive oil and put a plastic cap on my head with a scarf and kept it on for about two to three hours. When I rinsed it out my hair was so soft. I put NTM leave in and jojoba oil then twisted it up. Also I found out that my hair loves grease, just my hair I don't put any on my scalp. I know, I know alot of ladies on here don't use grease but it does wonders for my dry, coarse,thick 4g hair.:lachen: When I twist or plait up my hair I use together Mane 'n Tail Herbal-Gro hair grease and ORS Lock & Twist Gel. My hair thanks me everytime, see I had to play around with different products to see what work for my hair. This mixture has been working for me for two years now. When I run out my Mane'n Tails I will try another grease.
FlawedBeauty said:
have you tried doin dc's? my hair is dry as well and i find that my dc's twice or once a week reall help. profectiv break feree is a great moisturizer for me . i make two big two strand twists and coat them with the protectiv while my hair is damp after the shower then i clip them up cover with my scarf and hit the sack. when i get up in the morning my hair is not damp any more and the twists are really moisturized :)
I suppose "DC" means "deep condition? I don't do it regularly and when I do I don't use a heat/conditioning cap and I'm wondering if body is enough.
What do you deep condition with?