Dry hair after deep conditioning,


Well-Known Member
I used ors setting lotion, I found the packet I had left over from a touchup was not enough, so I spritz with water,rollersit, and went under the dryer for 30mins, however my hair seemed really dry, afterwards, I have highlights I am sure that is contributing to the dryness, any one else have good results from a setting lotion, with out the dryness, I am currently 11 weeks post, I relax for 10 mins or less, I like the fullness I get, as opposed to the super slicked look,
tryingto said:
I used ors setting lotion, I found the packet I had left over from a touchup was not enough, so I spritz with water,rollersit, and went under the dryer for 30mins, however my hair seemed really dry, afterwards, I have highlights I am sure that is contributing to the dryness, any one else have good results from a setting lotion, with out the dryness, I am currently 11 weeks post, I relax for 10 mins or less, I like the fullness I get, as opposed to the super slicked look,

What did you use for a deep conditioner? Did you use a leave-in conditioner along with the setting lotion? The setting lotion may not have given your hair enough moisture.
Maybe use a nice leave-in and skip the setting lotion.

Lots of ladies have problems with dry crunchy hair from setting lotions.
Hmmm. Maybe try using a leave-in next time, before adding the setting lotion? It could be something in the setting lotion itself that is making your hair feel dry, too. I think I read the ingredients on the ORS Mousse last time I was at the store, and it looked like it contained a drying alcohol.

BTW, a lot of ladies here rollerset without using setting lotions at all. You can just use a leave-in and water, and get a nice set. The curls may not last as long, but your hair will be soft & shiny.:)
thank you ladies, I will be picking up a leave in on my lunch break today, and your right about the dry and crunchy from the setting lotion,:mad: which is why I do not use lottabody, I have not set my hair in so long I forgot, :lol: oh well you live and learn:)