Dry Frizzy Hair.


New Member
Hi everyone!

Lately, my hair has been very dry and frizzy and no matter what I did, it would dry that way. My hair regimen consisted of DT with henna, brahmi and marshmallow powder mix, bentonite clay and aubrey organics blue green algae mask. It would be done on wednesdays, pretty much once a month per item.
I only co-wash with aubrey organics and condition with aubrey either white camellia or HSR conditioner.
Even with my weekly deep treatments and frequent conditioning, mind you of all natural products, my hair would still frizz and look nothing like my wet hair.
So doing an experiment i tried targets bootleg pantene conditioner, which I used to use when I was relaxed and all I can say is there was a big moisture difference. I try to stay away from chemicals but in this case alittle is necessary.
Please ladies can you list pretty natural conditioners that moisturize 3c/4a hair well, thanks!:yep:
I use shescentit's avocodo conditioner every morning to rinse out my OCT/MT; I use hairveda's sitrinillah conditioner once a week for my deep conditioning treatments. I'm not sure of my hair type, but my hair has always been dry and I swear these two conditioners work wonders for me!

I also use redken smooth down butter treat for a daily leave-in, but I just purchased salerm 21 for a leave-in and I hope that it works!
My hair is doing the same thing, but it's relaxed. It may be time to clarify.

Conditioners that normally work are not as effective.

Also, where I could normally have nice soft hair for 3 days after a cowash, I get one day -- tops before it becomes strawlike!

Doing a baking soda rinse tonight and I'll report back.

ETA - my hair is also very erratic. Like some strands seem moist and some seem dry. I can't tell whether to use protein or moisture!!! I hope that baking soda clears this mess up!
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My hair has been extremely dry too up until over a week ago. I ordered the shescentit products and also found a leave in conditioner called nutress that just glides through my hair and leaves it extremely soft. I was very sceptical at first because the leave in was so cheap and contains protein but I was desperate and nothing else was working. I also use it to smooth down my edges before drying. I just hope it continues to do well on my fussy hair! My hair is relaxed. Still shedding, but I have finally solved the dry issues. I definately agree with the clarifying comment also. Good luck!