Dry Ends from braid/twist/knot outs?


New Member
Does anyone else find that braid/twist/knot outs are VERY drying to their ends? I typically set overnight with conditioner and oil to seal and shine but when I take them down, my ends are SUPER FRIED!! Is this happening to anyone else? How do I combat this?
roller set the ends on satin rollers. take down by massaging oil on hands and unraveling... that should add some luster and the satin rollers will save your ends. end papers can help too
I use a combo of cond. (GVP Cond. Balm) and EVOO on my twistouts, I add a lil more to the ends and use a roller or flexirod on the end. However I wrap my rollers and flexirods in saran wrap, I think it keeps my ends moist overnight so they don't dry out. HTH. Oh and I do my twistouts on dry hair with the above moisture mix.
I agree...when I did try the braid out or bantu knot out, I put extra oil on the ends, then end papers, and satin pillow roller. Nice and moisturized in the morning.
My ends are always fried after braidouts especially when i do them on wet hair...
I've learned that my hair seldom enjoys airdrying that way.
And I use satin rollers on the ends but its like regardless of what i do my hair ends up brittle and dry at the end.
I have been securing my ends in satin rollers but Im still getting dryness and breakage. I will try the saran wrap tomorrow night. Any other suggestions are welcome...
I use a ton of conditioner in my head and do not rinse it out. I also use small lavender rollers on the ends of each braid/twist.
For my bantu knot outs, I dab a little bit of EVOO on the ends and comb through with a fine tooth comb before completing the knot. I sleep with the knots in and my ends stay totally moisturized the next day when I take them down.
Do some extra moisturizing at the ends, and seal with an oil. I use the old school foam rollers but wrapped in saran wrap so it doesn't snag my hair, and also doesn't soak up any of the oil/moisturizers. Maybe that'll work for ya. Also when you're taking them down, give a lil extra moisturizer/oil to the ends before you unbraid