Dry dry dry


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies! A merry Christmas to you all.
I need your advice on my dry, dry, fine, ssk prone hair. I can't stay hydrated enough. I am trying my best to drink enough water, but sometimes I wake up with my throat dry dry dry. My lymph nodes are uber enlarged and I went to an ent doctor last week because I thought maybe I had a growth or something. She thinks I am not hydrated enough and doing too much, and not getting enough rest, which keeps my immune system weak.

Anyway what triggered this thread is my hair, because I'm frustrated that no matter what I do it just stays dry. I am natural and with working full time and two kids( one of which I'm still breastfeeding) and I don't have time to DC several times a week etc. It's not just my hair and throat, but also my sinuses and skin too.

What I've changed since seeing the doctor
- humidifier in bedroom
- trying to drink even more water
- she prescribed me a nasal oil ('-' which I haven't used yet, cos I forgot '-')
- I used a dupe Neti pot to rinse out my sinuses

Any other ideas for staying hydrated would be appreciated, especially advice wrt getting/ keeping my hair hydrated would be appreciated. I finally got the hang of styling my natural hair, but have not retained any growth this year, because of breakage and ultimately trims. I need the hair advice more which is why I'm putting this in the hair forum, but any general hydrating tips would be appreciated.
How often are you deep conditioning your hair? I've found that regular (at least once a week) conditioning helped improve the moisture levels in my hair. If you can, sit under a warm dryer to help the DC penetrate your hair.

Also, of course, drinking more water by using a refillable bottle. I strive for at least 3 full bottles of water. I've heard of some people using rubber bands as a way of counting off which fill up they are on - 1 band for 1st fill up and on.
^^ to be honest! I'm not deep conditioning often at all. When I do maybe once in 2 weeks I usually leave the DC in overnight or for the whole day, but without heat. have a steamer which I last used a few months ago.
I am under the dryer with a DC and coffee rinse in my hair right now.

Thanks for the rubber band tip. I might try that.
Try it with heat for no more than 30 minutes more consistently. I think you will find that your hair will definitely thank you.

I found that using castor oil (just a dab or two) on damp hair before bed helped as well.
Contrary to popular belief, most of your water should come from your fruits vegetables. I'm not saying to stop drinking water. But think about how juicy and refreshing fresh vegetables are. Go ahead and have some tomatoes, salad, green beans, corn, sweet peppers, juicy apples, pears, oranges, all of your favorite vegetables. It will help you stay hydrated and healthy all over.
When you said you are currently breastfeeding I was like, Oh, there it is!

Giirrrrll, I couldnt drink enough water when my baby was still on the breast. My hands cracked, hair was brittle, throat ACHING and yea, I had swollen glands as well from the dehydration.

What saved me was electrolyte enhanced water, like Smart Water. Also was diluted sports drinks like gatorade. At one point, she was weaning, I was starting a new job, about to become separated and the stress was dehydrating even more. Sometimes plain water isnt enough and you need those minerals to ensure your body is uptaking the water more efficiently.

As for hair, I also have fine, (used to be) brittle, (used to be) SSK prone hair. Try DCing 2x a week at first to get moisutre back up. I DC up to 3 times a week now. Once HAS to be a reconstructor. The protein helps the fine strands retain their moisture. You might want to get started with one hard protein product first, then a moistue the next 2 times. Then get on a reconstuctor/moisture schedule.

When was the last time you clarified or chelated? This should be a practice esp if you use heavy sealing products or cones regularly. If you have build up, your hair will stay dry no matter how much leave-in, oils, water you slather on.

Also remember, this time of year is also good for dryness so this should all pass around March when things warm up :)
^^ to be honest! I'm not deep conditioning often at all. When I do maybe once in 2 weeks I usually leave the DC in overnight or for the whole day, but without heat. have a steamer which I last used a few months ago.
I am under the dryer with a DC and coffee rinse in my hair right now.

Thanks for the rubber band tip. I might try that.

ajoke, start using your steamer more often. You can do your deep conditioner 20-30 minutes once or twice a week. Grab your self a magazine to pass the time under there.
I was thinking about how much more hydrated I was when taking in more fruits. Water can be hard to drink sometimes. LoL

With two little ones, I'd put it up into some twist extensions and spray it before bed and in morning and bun. You can also sneak in a little spray during the day if you need it. It's an easy style and might work better for your lifestyle.

For me, I retained more when I did the extensions often because I would wrap/cocoon the extension hair around my own before twirling/twisting so it was pretty protected. I always did a good cleanse and DC upon install and take down and only left them in for 1 month at a time.

Maybe you could also try:
-baggying overnight or during the day
-adding 1 tsp of salt to your moisturizing DC
-adding honey and EVOO to your moisturizing DC
-Hibiscus powder
-LOC or LCO method
-A twist or braid updo style without extensions

GL, sis! :)
I also think that nursing might be the culprit. Are you still taking your vitamins? Have you had your iron checked? I know I also was super thirsty while I was nursing. I was anemic while I was pregnant and stopped taking my prenatal and iron vitamins when I had dd. That was stupid on my part. When she was a year, I was depleted. I say check those out.
Try it with heat for no more than 30 minutes more consistently. I think you will find that your hair will definitely thank you.

I found that using castor oil (just a dab or two) on damp hair before bed helped as well.

I will try to be more consistent in using heat to DC.
Contrary to popular belief, most of your water should come from your fruits vegetables. I'm not saying to stop drinking water. But think about how juicy and refreshing fresh vegetables are. Go ahead and have some tomatoes, salad, green beans, corn, sweet peppers, juicy apples, pears, oranges, all of your favorite vegetables. It will help you stay hydrated and healthy all over.

we eat loads of fruits and veggies! but now that I think of it, I am probably better at ensuring the kids eat loads of fruits and food than making sure I do the same. I juiced for a while and my body thanked me, it's a lot of work setting the blender up and cleaning it, so I am not consistent with that. Just got a whole bunch of kale the other day...I

When you said you are currently breastfeeding I was like, Oh, there it is!

Giirrrrll, I couldnt drink enough water when my baby was still on the breast. My hands cracked, hair was brittle, throat ACHING and yea, I had swollen glands as well from the dehydration.

What saved me was electrolyte enhanced water, like Smart Water. Also was diluted sports drinks like gatorade. At one point, she was weaning, I was starting a new job, about to become separated and the stress was dehydrating even more. Sometimes plain water isnt enough and you need those minerals to ensure your body is uptaking the water more efficiently.

As for hair, I also have fine, (used to be) brittle, (used to be) SSK prone hair. Try DCing 2x a week at first to get moisutre back up. I DC up to 3 times a week now. Once HAS to be a reconstructor. The protein helps the fine strands retain their moisture. You might want to get started with one hard protein product first, then a moistue the next 2 times. Then get on a reconstuctor/moisture schedule.

When was the last time you clarified or chelated? This should be a practice esp if you use heavy sealing products or cones regularly. If you have build up, your hair will stay dry no matter how much leave-in, oils, water you slather on.

Also remember, this time of year is also good for dryness so this should all pass around March when things warm up :)
I almost cried when I read the bolded. The swollen glands have had me so worried. I have been consistent with chelating. I use the ORs creamy aloe shampoo, as we have hard water here. I try with my protein balance, but it just takes a lot of effort.

@ajoke, start using your steamer more often. You can do your deep conditioner 20-30 minutes once or twice a week. Grab your self a magazine to pass the time under there.

I will try to do that.

I was thinking about how much more hydrated I was when taking in more fruits. Water can be hard to drink sometimes. LoL

With two little ones, I'd put it up into some twist extensions and spray it before bed and in morning and bun. You can also sneak in a little spray during the day if you need it. It's an easy style and might work better for your lifestyle.

For me, I retained more when I did the extensions often because I would wrap/cocoon the extension hair around my own before twirling/twisting so it was pretty protected. I always did a good cleanse and DC upon install and take down and only left them in for 1 month at a time.

Maybe you could also try:
-baggying overnight or during the day
-adding 1 tsp of salt to your moisturizing DC
-adding honey and EVOO to your moisturizing DC
-Hibiscus powder
-LOC or LCO method
-A twist or braid updo style without extensions

GL, sis! :)

The issue I have is that extensions took some/ a lot of my hairline with it. I probably need to install the extensions myself or get someone who can do them in a way that it's gentle to my hair, and I need to care for the hair better when in extensions. I had some cornrows in during summer and I loved the low maintenance bit, but my hairline didn't thank me.
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I also think that nursing might be the culprit. Are you still taking your vitamins? Have you had your iron checked? I know I also was super thirsty while I was nursing. I was anemic while I was pregnant and stopped taking my prenatal and iron vitamins when I had dd. That was stupid on my part. When she was a year, I was depleted. I say check those out.

Now that I'm giving a lot of though to this, I am pretty sure nursing/ pregnancy is the culprit. DD is almost 5 and DS is almost 2. I had a miscarriage before DD. O that's 5 full years of pregnancy and bf( I weaned DD when I was pregnant with DS). I never really took any vitamins during any of the pregnancies because I had really severe hyperemesis Gravida (sp?). It was so bad that while I was pregnant with DS one month I could only eat baguette slices with no butter or anything, and I still threw up! I lost almost 10 kilos in the 2nd and third months of pregnancy. The kids are okay and healthy, but mummy is depleted.
I really need to look after myself better......

Thanks ladies for all your contributions to this thread.

- I have to find a low maintenance hairstyle that looks professional
- DC more and spritz my hair more, and continue to LOC( just started that recently)
- stay on top of my fluids and meals and vitamins
- eat more fruit and veggies
- sleep better/ more!

Looking at that list exhausts me, but I will try hard.