dry, brittle hair...I need HELP


New Member
Hey ladies,
As most of you may know, I shaved all my hair off. However, nows it about 0.5inch long. Its brittle and dull, and each strand that sheds/breaks has split ends through the entire legnth. It can't hold any moisture. I usually wash with lekairs chol plus shampoo, and condition with lekair shea buttin con once a week, and put some hair doctor on it every so often.
And I've never had a problem with these products, I've tried clarify, deep conditioning, and co washing. Yet NOTHING is working, its very rough to the touch, and it doesn't help especially since I have VERY thick hair.

I'm whinking about cutting my hair again (making it the 4th time), because its fine when I get it cut. I'm starting to think that these products I'm using aint that great. I'vetried nexxus, aveda (sap moss poo and con), paltas, and lekairs. I've even tried oils such as almond oils, I've even tried using no leave in, I went as far as trying grease! (Which my hair hates, but I'm desperate). Could you ladies recommend any products for natural 4a/b hair. I've been thinking about ashas naturals or elucence so far. I'd like if you could recommend shampoos, cons, leave ins etc. If any of you have experienced this problem could you also share your regime? I'm so down at this point, I don't think I can reach that 18inch goal. Ever.


Crissi, x
Have you tried the baggie method? When my hair is unusually dry this brings the moisture right back. Just get some baggies, the plastic caps kind you use for deep treatments. At night or at your convenience but in some of your favorite moisturizer, slap on the baggie and go to bed. It may not look very attractive but it will bring your moisture back! Some ladies swear by this and do it every night, I do it once in awhile and it always does the trick!
Don't be discouraged! Was exactly where you were at two years ago (check out my album.) Your hair doesn't have to dry and brittle, it's just matter of finding the right techniques and products. The great thing about these early stages of your grow out is that maintenance is a snap (when you find what works for you.) Things that you might want to try:

*Conditioner washing everyday. It made a HUGE difference in my hair. Gradually it got softer and softer. Even if you still use shampoo once a week or so, CW'ing everyday will give you good results. I like VO5 Moisture Milks, and Elucence is also a great conditioner if you want to go a more expensive route.

*Even at this stage, don't rough dry your hair with towel. Get in the habit of drying your hair with a microfiber towel or t-shirt.

*After you wash, put whatever product you use on damp hair. You may have to try many different things until you find what works for you. At this stage, it's okay to be a PJ. Products that work for me (I found through much trial and error):
*Oils and butters - shea butter, coconut oil, castor oil. These seem to
impart moisture to my hair.
*Gel curl activators like S-curl texturizer gel, World of curls
*Lotion - Jamican Mango and Lime leave in moisturizer
*Spray - I love Hawaiian Silky 14 en 1 curl activator spray. S-curl and
StaSofFro may work for you also, but smell not great to me.

You will probably have to layer products until you find what's right for you. I think combos of products work sometimes work better. Be generous with both your conditioner and your moisturizers, and water is the best moisturizer of all. Tie your head up and night, makes a huge difference in keeping moisture in.

A quick way to test if your hair is parched, esp. as it grows: When you hair is dry, put you head over a white sink and run your hand over your head vigorously. If you see little pieces of hair, you are not fully moisturized. Don't rest until you achieve that. And the biggest thing I did to get my hair to grow was to not cut it. That may sound flip, but it's true. Haircutting can be addicting, esp. when you have a twa and and it starts not to be so teeny weeny anymore. I hope I have helped, and you will be at eighteen inches before you know it!
If your hair is only 0.5 inches in length, just leave it alone! When my hair was that short, all I did was rinse with water daily. I would sometimes put gel or jojoba oil in it but I wouldn't worry about using a bunch of products on just 0.5 inches of hair.
2 years ago i had my had that short. I agree 100% with nefertitiblack! You must wash, co wash, or just completely wet that short hair DAILY! I also used heavy type creams (butter creams) on my hair. It may not hurt to throw a satin/silk scarf over a slather of butter cream(or whatever you prefer!) for about 20 minutes to really smooth those hairs down. Then spritz with a leave in and follow up with an oil. I liked the Hot 6 Oil that came in a spray bottle. Don't be afraid to keep a spray bottle of water with you to spray throughout the day. I kept my hair moist constantly when it was that short and it has never been softer than that time. :D