Dry brittle ends...


Well-Known Member
So I was at my best friends house today and she knows I frequent the site etc... well she has an issue with her ends they are so dry and brittle. I told her to start using ORS Olive Oil on them or Elasta QC Mango butter. Was that a good suggestion those products work for me but I don't have an issue with my ends being that brittle just a little dry sometimes. What are some of the things you all have done for your ends?

She sounds like she needs lots of moisture. Does she use a lot of heat on her hair? She may need to cut back on that. Sometimes if the hair is too dry, brittle, and damaged...it has to go--so she may have to cut some of it.

Also, she may want to look internally, and think about her diet and health. Is she consuming enough water? Enough protein? Does she take vitamins? That should be a good start.
well she wears weaves and wigs a lot so I don't think she uses too much heat. She also wears her hair in a bun often too when she is not weaving it. I think she wears a lot protective styles however does not know how to actually protect the hair with them...if that makes any sense. Her hair is APL and very thick it just needs TLC. She trimmed her ends recently however these new ends are very brittle.
She needs to really moisterize her ends stat!

I give my hair a wake up call with a yummy rose water mist. Rosewater is already quite moisterizing on its own. Lots of times I just don't want to wet all of my hair and this does the trick.

Quite a few us here use a care free curl products as a moisterizer.

I don't use very much of this at all, some use the spray, I use the actual CFC gold activator (its more moisterizing to my hair) the longer my hair gets the more I need to use, so I use a quarter size for each side of my head.

Elasta QP isn't bad, but, can make the hair dry and hard if not used with care. When I use it, its always sparingly. I think last time I used it I used a dab about the size of a quarter for my whole head. I always use that after CFCG.

Then she needs to seal with oil. any oil as long as it works for her. I don't seal with olive oil products because it makes my hair really crunchy. I use jojoba oil with great success (i mix it with all kinds of oils sometimes but its definitly a favorite oil even when its used straight)

Straight Jojoba is quite a light oil with no smell and dosen't go rancid. I can't think of anyone that had any major issues with it. I never use much, just to seal all the way down to the ends before bunning.

I do believe a few ladies here have bunning tutorials. They may be of help for your friend. When I bun I just make sure I have my ends wrapped nicely so they don't get all funky looking (still happens but I don't always take my time either:cool: )

If she decides to use the curl activator method for moisture, she's no doubt going to want to clarify at the very least once a month.

The suggestions you gave her are really good ones, but she made need to trim above the britleness if the moisture and protein don't work.

(tetbelle - very lovely hair:) )
thanks for your reply great suggestions that I will pass along to her.

Arcadian said:
She needs to really moisterize her ends stat!

I give my hair a wake up call with a yummy rose water mist. Rosewater is already quite moisterizing on its own. Lots of times I just don't want to wet all of my hair and this does the trick.

Quite a few us here use a care free curl products as a moisterizer.

I don't use very much of this at all, some use the spray, I use the actual CFC gold activator (its more moisterizing to my hair) the longer my hair gets the more I need to use, so I use a quarter size for each side of my head.

Elasta QP isn't bad, but, can make the hair dry and hard if not used with care. When I use it, its always sparingly. I think last time I used it I used a dab about the size of a quarter for my whole head. I always use that after CFCG.

Then she needs to seal with oil. any oil as long as it works for her. I don't seal with olive oil products because it makes my hair really crunchy. I use jojoba oil with great success (i mix it with all kinds of oils sometimes but its definitly a favorite oil even when its used straight)

Straight Jojoba is quite a light oil with no smell and dosen't go rancid. I can't think of anyone that had any major issues with it. I never use much, just to seal all the way down to the ends before bunning.

I do believe a few ladies here have bunning tutorials. They may be of help for your friend. When I bun I just make sure I have my ends wrapped nicely so they don't get all funky looking (still happens but I don't always take my time either:cool: )

If she decides to use the curl activator method for moisture, she's no doubt going to want to clarify at the very least once a month.

I wear my hair in a wig as well and I had the very same issue. My ends were weeds out of control. I found someone on this site that recommended using perm rod rollers on the ends of your hair. I just put some oil or grease on the ends of my hair, wrap the ends with rollersetting paper, then put on the roller. My dry ends are now healthy and moisturized. I just keep it set on the rollers and hid it under the wig.
There are many great tips here. I will also add Profective Healthy Ends. I didn't care for this stuff the first time I used it (about 2 years ago) but Tsmith swears by this stuff and I had to try it again. I found I was using to much. I used a lil less and my ends look great!

Vitapointe is the bomb. I use this all over. (It doesnt take much.)

Coconut oil is also great on the ends. HTH.
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candie19 said:
I wear my hair in a wig as well and I had the very same issue. My ends were weeds out of control. I found someone on this site that recommended using perm rod rollers on the ends of your hair. I just put some oil or grease on the ends of my hair, wrap the ends with rollersetting paper, then put on the roller. My dry ends are now healthy and moisturized. I just keep it set on the rollers and hid it under the wig.

I wear half wigs as well and am looking for a solution for my dry brittle ends..I will try this as well.
Letitia said:
There are many great tips here. I will also add Profective Healthy Ends. I didn't care for this stuff the first time I used it (about 2 years ago) but Tsmith swears by this stuff and I had to try it again. I found I was using to much. I used a lil less and my ends look great!

Coconut oil is also great on the ends. HTH.

Yah, I love Profective Healthy Ends and Elasta QP Mango butter. I always buy two of each when I shop and I find myself always grabbing the Profective Healthy Ends and I slap on globs of it on my ends but I baggie 24/7 also and I also wash my hair alot because if I don't it will become sticky but now I only put a little on the entire length of my ponytail/ends and seal with kemi oyl or coconut oil and viola...nice, healthy, moisturized ends;)
I will definately foward this info because she knows how to weave her hair she sews in and for all intents and purposes like I said she wearing protective style but those ends... I will have her try a few of the suggestions given here. I hope more people chime in.
She can also baggy under her wigs and phony ponys. My hair LOVES baggying, I don't know how my ends survived without it :)
if she needs moisture, I'd say use a pile of curl activator on her hair, sit under the dryer at least an hour ...at night use cantu shea on the ends and seal with olive oil...that'll do it for sho !

And tet your hair is freakin outrageous ! That is some of the most beautiful hair i've seen on this board !
i am taking notes because my hair is also dry and brittle on the ends, i feel like i am gonna lose alot of my length soon if i dont get it under control and i dont even use heat alot on my hair.... i will admit that i use it 1nce every few months but i think my main issue is wearing my hair out constantly and i also need to be consistant about baggying my ends. i hope i can get my ends in check soon. and i hope when i go for a professional trim she dont tell me she is gonna have to take 3 inches off. :eek:
I noticed that quite a few people said to use QP Mango Butter and i was gonna suggest that also. It is quite thick but it's so good for my ends. I also just restarted the C and G method for sealing in moisture on the ends and it's working quite well. I remember when i used to do this a while back and it worked miracles. Anyway, on the website, she said that she moisturizes the ends quite well and then places a grease over the moisturizer to seal it in (i use African pride). After that she places aluminum foil over the ends and holds the flat iron over the aluminum foil for no more than 3 seconds. I did this like 4 days ago and my ends are still moisturized today!! Except i just did mine for 2 seconds 'cause i wasn't sure how my hair would react to this.
Oh and someone mentioned Profective healthy ends and it does work wonders. I guess she should try to use something really moisturizing ( it may have to be thicker than wht you use on the ret of the hair, it depends) and then seal in the moisture