"Drop the magnetic rollers Ma'am... And walk slooooowly away!!!"


New Member
Ok guys here's my dilemma... I've now, through practice, gotten REALLY good with my dry roller sets. I set my hair at night with magnetic rollers, or sometimes if I come home during the day between errands and other things if I need a little volume lift, I'll finger comb and put in my rollers after moisturizing (at night I do my nightly moisture routine then roll). I love using my Aphogee leave-in that has a great balance of light protein and moisturizers plus my Elasta QP mango butter, followed by some oil to seal. When I undo I have the most AMAZING bouncy curls that give me volume and body with NO HEAT and low manipulation (I dont even use the comb anymore). I notice minimal breakage, two or three strands here or there which I think is normal, but only shedding (hair w/ bulbs, which I feel good about seeing cause that's normal). I try to wear my hair up a lot, but this new roller setting thing has me wanting to wear it down and flow more often.

I'm soooooo worried about breakage. I'm really adamant about my regimen, I moisturize daily, no split ends, or anything crazy. DC 2x a week w/ protein followed by a moisturizing conditioner. How many of you guys do the roller setting thing, and how often do you wear your hair out? I was out today here in NY - in the snow and under my umbrella - looking gorgeous sporting full thick flowing 4a/b hair, and it felt good.... But I fear of causing more harm than good? Please help meeeee! :wallbash:

I'm getting into the habit of taking my ends and rolling them around my fingers, then taking some clips and clipping them to my scalp so that they dont at least rub against my scarf and jackets. At work, I take them down. I'm thinking of bringing my moisturizer in my bag to moisturize them lightly before doing this and braving the elements. I never wear hats by the way, only earmuffs...
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Gosh, I don't know how to use magnetic rollers, only the foam ones. I need some help. Can u please tell me what way you set them and how to keep the clips from coming out?:rolleyes:
I don't think your hair is going to break by rolling it every night or wearing it down. As long as it's moisturized, it should be okay?
Your hair should survive since you clip it up until you get inside the office. That is what I do too. I rarely wear my hair up or in protective styles and my hair has survived many harsh Chicago winters.

The question is what I gotta do to get them abs? :rolleyes:
Your hair should survive since you clip it up until you get inside the office. That is what I do too. I rarely wear my hair up or in protective styles and my hair has survived many harsh Chicago winters.

The question is what I gotta do to get them abs? :rolleyes:

That is my question! :grin:
I'm getting into the habit of taking my ends and rolling them around my fingers, then taking some clips and clipping them to my scalp so that they dont at least rub against my scarf and jackets. At work, I take them down. I'm thinking of bringing my moisturizer in my bag to moisturize them lightly before doing this and braving the elements. I never wear hats by the way, only earmuffs...

Great idea-I'll file this away for future roller setting days:yep: It sounds like you're taking all of the right precautions but of course monitor your hair and respond accordingly.
Yeah I agree, if you just keep em moisturized you should be fine, but DANG I didn't even notice the abs until someone else said it!! AHH I WANT EM:worship2:....just dun wnana do anything to get them!