

New Member
We've had this subject before. I'm struggling with something and asked G-d for a sign that He would take care of me in this. So, last night, as I'm sleeping, I have a very vivid dream. Then the "real" dream or vision comes. It as totally unrelated but had something to do with silver. I became like a big silver coin that was rotating then morphed into myself. As I did, I began weeping profusely. I might have been weeping physically in my sleep. What was I weeping at? I felt G-d was letting me know that my heart was severely broken and that was the source of my problem. Then it was all over, like I had let out the true weeping and sorrow. I guess I'm on the road to healing now.

Anybody else have such a dream or can you read dreams? This was weird...but I sense I had the right interpretation of it, strange as it was. I could sense my extreme sorrow. Shrugs.
Most of my dreams are just regular. I don't have any flying going on. Jumping from the moon to the earth. lol. They are just regular ole real life dreams. Nothing magical or special...however within these same dreams I do have ones which are from God.

I am able to distinguish between what is more than a dream (God speaking) and when I'm just having a fun dream (traveling, at church etc).

My recent God dreams were of this young woman who was raped by a richman in her town. Her father was a poor farmer and couldn't retaliate or go to the police, but he protected her and the baby she gave birth to eventually. When he died the richman came after her he wanted her and the baby..In a bad way. They were constantly running for their lives. In short I woke up a 2:42am...and I just prayed prayed prayed for this woman and her child. This dream was set in the early 20th century, but someone needed that prayer in the here and NOW!

Also, one night God woke me up to pray for Master P. Lil what's that boys name..Lil Romeo's father. He had a tragic accident in my dream. So I woke up and prayed for him..and his salvation etc..I didn't think he had an accident, but it was one of those prayers to protect him..cover him..ya know.

THose are my most recent dreams. That Master P one was kind of crazy, but I knew it was God.

I am thankful He works like that, because I know God had people who don't even know me..or know of me praying for me during some rough times. When things could have gone real real wrong. Talk about danger seen and unseen.
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Most of my dreams are just regular. I don't have any flying going on. Jumping from the moon to the earth. lol. They are just regular ole real life dreams. Nothing magical or special...however within these same dreams I do have ones which are from God.

I am able to distinguish between what is more than a dream (God speaking) and when I'm just having a fun dream (traveling, at church etc).

My recent God dreams were of this young woman who was raped by a richman in her town. Her father was a poor farmer and couldn't retaliate or go to the police, but he protected her and the baby she gave birth to eventually. When he died the richman came after her he wanted her and the baby..In a bad way. They were constantly running for their lives. In short I woke up a 2:42am...and I just prayed prayed prayed for this woman and her child. This dream was set in the early 20th century, but someone needed that prayer in the here and NOW!

Also, one night God woke me up to pray for Master P. Lil what's that boys name..Lil Romeo's father. He had a tragic accident in my dream. So I woke up and prayed for him..and his salvation etc..I didn't think he had an accident, but it was one of those prayers to protect him..cover him..ya know.

THose are my most recent dreams. That Master P one was kind of crazy, but I knew it was God.

I am thankful He works like that, because I know God had people who don't even know me..or know of me praying for me during some rough times. When things could have gone real real wrong. Talk about danger seen and unseen.

It seems that we've lost our ability to dream/interpret and hear from G-d these days. I can remember older people dealing with this more often. I do the same thing too...if I feel there's a real person out there with a serious problem. Maybe G-d wants us to.
Most of my dreams aren’t of much significance, but when I do have a dream where I feel like God is trying to tell me something He will either reveal the meaning of the dream to me right before I wake up or as soon as I wake up. Several years ago I had a dream about being chased by someone with a knife. I can’t remember all the details of the dream because it’s been about 10 years ago, but I remember running to a school. It happened to be the elementary school I attended when we lived in Germany. I ran behind the building and behind the building was a little boy on a tricycle and something else….man I wish I could remember. Anyway, the little boy came from behind the school on the tricycle and so did the other person. Once the devil (the person holding the knife) saw the little boy and the other person he put the knife down. Before I could totally come out of my sleep the Lord spoke to me and said that the devil was chasing me, but it was pushing me toward HIM and that my running to God would bring about all the blessings I had been seeking at that time.

A few weeks before I got saved I was sleeping in my bed. In my dream, or what I thought was a dream, I kept hearing come up the steps and knock on my bedroom door. I think I heard it two or three times and each time I would say “come in.” I thought it was my roommate coming home from hanging out. The last time I heard the knock I sat up in the bed and said, “Come in!”, but I said it with an attitude because I was getting annoyed. When I realized no one was there I laid back down and as I closed my eyes I heard in my spirit that Jesus was knocking on my door and wanting me to let him in.

As far as reading other people’s dreams…I don’t think I can. I have dreams about other people and usually when if I share the dream with them, they will immediately know what the dream means.
I think God gave us the ability to dream so that he could send us messages. It's like he won't give you all the details but enough so that you can interpret it. I do think that your dreams give you a glimpse of your future.
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Weeping in a dream is happiness. :yep: So this means that whatever you are going thru, you will not only come out of it but you will be joyful/happy.
In order to hear God...sometimes I quiet my mind and "get into a position" to hear him.

Low to the ground and away from distractions...

I am not saying that I do this all the time nor am I saying that God can't speak to you standing up..however I am saying that sometimes you have to go "under the radar" so to speak....
It seems that we've lost our ability to dream/interpret and hear from G-d these days. I can remember older people dealing with this more often. I do the same thing too...if I feel there's a real person out there with a serious problem. Maybe G-d wants us to.

We have not lost our ability to hear...we have lost our ability to listen IMO.

You already know the meaning to your dream...
I don't believe we lost any abilities, but I do think some folks have dreams and may need an interpreter. It just happens to some.

I don't need an interpreter....In college I use to dream all the time...I really had to and once I got in the shower I would get the full understanding.

Now, I have lots more time to sit study, pray, be silent etc...so stuff comes that way. I have time to think...
I do believe that he can speak to us in our dreams. A few months ago I was really praying for a friend of mine who I felt needed it. She was troubled by something and was waiting on a yes to her heart's desire but was becoming discouraged. After weeks of prayer I had a powerful dream that her prayers would soon be answered. When I woke I felt I really needed to call her and share it with her. I am not sure she believed me but it came to pass exactly when he put in my spirit that it would.
Wow I am glad I came across this thread. I recently ended a relationship that was not God's will. While I knew it was the right thing to do, just letting go of all the baggage was very painful process. Last week I went to bed feeling down, and while I don't remember the details of my dream I remember that I was with God-spending time with Him. I remember feeling happy, secure, and in awe. The following night I dreamt He was in my room. Its like I could see myself sleeping and felt God's presence. I woke up and smiled and said "You are here aren't you?" and His response was "I always am" I smiled again and was overcome with such peace and fell asleep again.