Dreams about Someone Cutting/Damaging Your Hair


Well-Known Member
Does Anyone else besides me have dreams about some one cutting your hair or for me since I am a natural......someone perming it. I always think what if someone cuts it of or slaps a perm in while I am sleep!!! Or I think about things like me being in organic chemistry lab and someone acidentally pouring some chemical on me that burns it to the roots!!!! I know this sounds weird but I am just curious to see who else thinks this way.

My boyfriend knows how obsessed I am with my hair and when I am on LHCF all day he's like..."Man I'm gonna chop your hair while your sleep so you won't spend all your time on that website!!"

I know he really would never do that but the thought of it sends chills down my spine.......What is wrong with me?:confused: :confused: :confused: :lachen: :lachen:

If I don't get a reply I will know I am crazy for Sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
girl.... I had a dream one time that I was laid up with some guy and he had all this money, just big time! Well we were laying around, my hair was gorgeously all over the place and he picked up a lighter and started burning it. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well I was screaming and crying try to get the fire out....so I grabbed something and hit him...then I found a gun and started shooting him but he wouldn't die he was just laughing. Then he got real serious and started cussin, grabbed the gun and shot me....then I woke up

That's when I realized I may have a problem

ETA: I think MSM had a lot to do with that too!
This happened the other day. I had a dream that my mom and aunt applied a relaxer to the back of my head (which is fully natural) while I was sleep. :eek: But the funny thing is, is when I washed it out, my hair was in a big afro.:perplexed
I don't have dreams that anyone damages my hair, but I do have dreams where I start my morning routine and when I look in the mirror my hair is very short, uneven and ugly. I go into a panic because I don't know how it got that way and I have no clue about how to make it look nice. Once in a blue, the dream starts out with me having long luscious hair and I can't believe how beautiful it is, but towards the end of the dream I'll go to run my fingers through it and it's suddenly stubby and nasty.
Khalia27 said:
Once in a blue, the dream starts out with me having long luscious hair and I can't believe how beautiful it is, but towards the end of the dream I'll go to run my fingers through it and it's suddenly stubby and nasty.
When I have hair dreams, it's ALWAYS like this! My hair would be long and flowing, and then something always goes wrong; one side ends up (for no rhyme or reason) WAY shorter than the other, it suddenly becomes short and horrible looking with no explaination, etc.:confused: I want to grow long hair, beautiful hair, but I'm not so worried about it that these dreams should be happening. lol. I had a bad experience where a hair dresser cut my hair off last year, but I've had these dreams from before then, so in my case, it isn't any trauma.
My fiancee knows I'm hair obsessed, so whenever we get into a fight I wear my hair up in a complicated 'do so that if he ever tried anything, then I'd wake up immediately. I don't think he notices that i do that though...
MsDee4 said:
:eek: :eek: I'm forever wearing my hair up in Organic Chem lab from now on... Gosh... thanks for the new fear!! :(

Wow MsDee, You've had amazing growth in just a couple of months!!! Congrats, your hair looks fantabulous.
pistachio said:
My fiancee knows I'm hair obsessed, so whenever we get into a fight I wear my hair up in a complicated 'do so that if he ever tried anything, then I'd wake up immediately. I don't think he notices that i do that though...

My girl got a hair protection plan. Go head! :grin:
prissygirl114 said:
girl.... I had a dream one time that I was laid up with some guy and he had all this money, just big time! Well we were laying around, my hair was gorgeously all over the place and he picked up a lighter and started burning it. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well I was screaming and crying try to get the fire out....so I grabbed something and hit him...then I found a gun and started shooting him but he wouldn't die he was just laughing. Then he got real serious and started cussin, grabbed the gun and shot me....then I woke up

That's when I realized I may have a problem

ETA: I think MSM had a lot to do with that too!
Wow that was intense... like a movie!
pistachio said:
My fiancee knows I'm hair obsessed, so whenever we get into a fight I wear my hair up in a complicated 'do so that if he ever tried anything, then I'd wake up immediately. I don't think he notices that i do that though...
Girl you ain't playin but thats a good idea shoot I might start doin that with my SO:look:
Ok so I am not crazy after all:lachen: :lachen: At least when I'm talking to my girls on LHCF!!!!!! I know if I was to tell anybody else they would laugh and tell me to get over it! But we all know these dreams or thoughts can be extremely traumatizing!!!! Thanks for the responses, I feel alot better.
I dreamt I relaxed my hair and was very disappointed.

I dreamt I cut my hair back to my favorite short & sassy cut. Again it wasn't the same and I was disappointed.

Recently, I dreamt my sister grabbed the sewing sheers and cut my hair. It turned out great!
JuicesN'Berries said:
Does Anyone else besides me have dreams about some one cutting your hair or for me since I am a natural......someone perming it. I always think what if someone cuts it of or slaps a perm in while I am sleep!!! Or I think about things like me being in organic chemistry lab and someone acidentally pouring some chemical on me that burns it to the roots!!!! I know this sounds weird but I am just curious to see who else thinks this way.

My boyfriend knows how obsessed I am with my hair and when I am on LHCF all day he's like..."Man I'm gonna chop your hair while your sleep so you won't spend all your time on that website!!"

I know he really would never do that but the thought of it sends chills down my spine.......What is wrong with me?:confused: :confused: :confused: :lachen: :lachen:

If I don't get a reply I will know I am crazy for Sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA tell him if he does that, you'll be on here even longer :lol: !

I have bad hair dreams all the time...my main one is where I try to self-relax and it turns into a huge disaster (which for me would be overprocessing). I know, it's a little ridiculous :look:
I keep having this dream about having gorgeous WL hair. It's the hair I've always wanted but after a while I notice it always curls the exact same way and into the exact same style BY ITSELF. Even if I put it in a bun at night when I wake up in the morning it's in that same style. So one day I decide to cut it into a new APL length style. The next morning day I'm horrified to find it's back to WL and in that same ol' style. *spooky*
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I never thought it would happen but this morning I had a dream I was cutting my hair into a super short bob. In my dream I looked in the mirror, didn't like the hair cut and still kept cutting. I quickly woke up from that insane dream. I have spent to much money and put in to many prayers and TLC to snip it off now.

I got up this morning (yes on a Sunday) at 5:30 to watch Suze Orman. Her hair is in a short cut bob. I wonder if that's why I dreamed this.