Dream Help....


New Member
Hello.... as this is a Christian faith based forum, I feel like it's ok to ask for some help re. interpretation of dreams. I know that the Lord can speak to us through dreams.... I ask for your help with these two dreams....

Dream #1
Just last night, I dreamed that I was at my parents' house (it didn't look exactly like my parents' house but they were there and it was like a lot of boxes around). Apparently my dad had bought some kind of big screen computer or some type of equipment and had got it set up but there was a big part that wasn't quite finished. Well I recall going back and forth up and down the stairs trying to get out because my mom was fussing and screaming at me for apparently no reason. When this would happen, I would try to rush to the door and unlock the door so I could get out. Well, this happened again after she asked me to fix something with the equipment. I recall saying that I didn't want to touch the equipment because I didn't want to mess it up, esp. since I didn't pay for it. My mom started calling me a liar. She just kept screaming the word "Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar!" at me and I started to get so upset and I started rushing for the door and I was trying to unlock the door so I could get out. I recall feeling so scared and hurt and angry and I wanted to get away from her calling me a liar.... When I woke up, I was really startled.

Dream #2
I was at what I thought was my church (it actually looked like a poor representation of my church: dark and wooden and rickety. My church is very beautiful and bright and rich!). Apparently I was there for a wedding. The bishop was there but his wife was not there. The people from my church were sitting off to the side and the people for the wedding (not church members) were sitting in the front facing the pulpit/altar for the wedding. The people for the wedding were weird-looking. They looked very pale, almost beyond white. They looked like cats or rats in their faces. The groom looked like an old cat/rat. The bishop of my church looked really angry that he had to be there (not sure why) and my fellow church members were cracking jokes and our bishop kept looking at us to be quiet. The bride was rushed into the sanctuary and she didn't even walk down the aisle. She was rushed through a side door and the veil was thrown over her head. Before the wedding started, the bishop came over to us church members and said we needed to pray. He took my hand and we (church members) grabbed hands with each other to pray. I remember trying to get away from my bishop's hand but he would hold my hand more firmly. This happened quite a few times. Then it seemed that I let go of the hand or I just woke up.

For Dream #2, it might help to know that I've been on shaky ground with regard to church attendance not because of the bishop or the teaching. I belong to a wonderful church. I have been struggling with feeling forsaken because some things that I thought would happen by now (marriage) have not yet manifested. I feel like time is running out. I am tired of hearing the regular cliches of "don't give up". I don't want to say more just now so that the focus can be on the dreams and what they mean....

Thank you in advance for your prayers and divine insight.
Dreams are a wonderful gift from God. For God uses them to counsel us when our minds are at rest and more receptive to Him. (Psalm 16:7 is one of my favorite Dream scriptures).

In your dreams, my initial perception (Key word: Perception for I am not God)

Dream # 2: "Don't rush into marriage with the first man that comes your way. God has better.

It seems to connect to Dream #1, for your mom expects 'better' from you. She taught you a principle in life and your feelings of self-confidence have been surpressed. Mom is saying you have what it takes to 'fix' this. No matter what you fear, you have what it takes to 'fix' this. Stop running from the problem and run to it instead. Face it head on and fix it. You have what it takes to do.

For you can do all things through Christ who strenghens you. (Phillipians 4)

Now, what shall we say to these things. If God be for you, who dare be against you? In all these things you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ our Lord, and nothing can separate you from the love of God. (Romans 8)
Precious 'Rehab" only God can give you the real and the whole of this. For He and only He is the interpeter of our dreams.

You've done the right thing is 'writing' the vision (the dreams) for that is one of the first important things we must do so that we do not forget the details as we commit them to the Lord. For committing our dreams to the Lord is the number one priority.

I also have dreams and many of them are answers to questions which I bring before the Lord or just have in my heart and the Lord is still moving to bring the answer into my understanding.

I have dreams also to warn and/or advise me of a coming event or situation.

Ask yourself, what have I been running from that I don't think that I am able to handle. Lord, show me what it is. In Jesus' name... Amen.

God will always make it plain...;)
Shimmie.... I thank you for responding and for your insight.... In the wedding dream, it wasn't me that was getting married.... what you say makes sense. I actually laughed at your synopsis of Dream #2 re. the wedding part! Wow! I've not yet been asked to be married yet, so it's not like I've rushed into anything....

I took that the Bishop holding my hand was to keep me from going out into the world like I want to do.... In reference to the sexual purity thread, I'm in my 30s and have never been sexually active. I dare not say this in that thread because I feel like such a freak because I cannot believe this virginity has gotten this far. I certainly did not plan this. I am not devoid of sexual feelings/desires. I may deal with those desires through food, which has caused me to walk around with way too much weight.... This impacts self-esteem as well....

My mom and I do not have the greatest relationship. She has been married to my dad for almost 40 years. I don't she can understand what it's like to be single and alone. You're right when you say that she has taught me to "suck it up" and get it together. But I have grown very exhausted. VERY exhausted with all of this. (There are tears in my eyes as I write this).

I appreciate your listening (reading) and your encouraging words.