Dr. Miracle Products Anyone?


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm new to LHCF and so happy to be able to post and be apart of this hair growing expedition! I was wondering if anyone has ever heard, or tried products by Dr. Miracle? I have tried his relaxer before, but I was wondering if anyone else has used any of his stimulating growth products?
I also tried to do a search, but I didn't find anything. Thanxs!
Welcome :)

I currently using the temple & nape balm but I haven't been using it long enough to tell a difference. How did the relaxer work for you?
The relaxer worked pretty well. It made my hair feel like a totally different texture...very silky. I have only used it twice, but the last time I used it it didn't take so well. I think it's because I was using MTG, and forgot to stop a few days before my relaxer. Keep me updated on how the growth oil goes!