Dr. Bronners Castille Liquid Soap is Unbelievable!

I posted a couple of nights back about how wonderful my hair turned out after using Dr.Bronners Citrus liquid soap and then using some Avalon Organics lotion in my hair after. My hair has never been better, I don't think it was this soft when I was a child even. I've washed my hair twice more with the Dr. Bronners soap and each time it has been nothing short of MAGIC, now with or without the lotion. What this soap does is beyond my wildest conditioning fantasies. Immediately when I rinse from the first lather with it my hair is SMOOTH and I have the feeling that the cuticles are snapped shut. This stuff must be Ph correcting my hair like NOTHING else EVER has, no conditioner, not even a relaxer calms and smooths like this. It also has a lot of glycerin and other things like cannabis in it. I suspect it's the glycerin and the Ph balance that are what's doing it. When I finish rinsing after conditioning my hair SHINES so much! I really just stumbled across a hair miracle. I've been dealing with porosity issues for years now and it seems I so simply just solved all of my problems. I'm faithful that this will allow me to grow my hair to new, healthy lengths because I can basically wash and go and still not have poofy hair. My scalp also does not itch whereas even with gentle cowashing I still had nasty itchies. I know this post probably sounds nuts but I feel utterly fortunate that I found something that works this amazingly.

My only warning is that if you have very tangle prone hair this may be troublesome for you. While it brings me extreme smoothness and moisture right after I rinse I find a bit of tangling, not dry tangling but I think that the effect of the cuticles compacting so quickly causes minor tangling if that makes any sense. For me, conditioner will always resolve tangles because I never get severe tangles no matter what products I use so I just immediately apply conditioner and the tangles fall out and the unbelievable smoothness remains.
I buy several gallons at a time. I only use it for my body, mixed with oils and ACV, I think I have only used it on my hair once in a pinch, I usually use a shampoo bar.
I also wanted to mention that prior to Dr. Bronner I used Dr. Woods liquid castile soap which did nothing of the sort for my hair :lol:.

RossBoss, what kind of shampoo bars do you use. Maybe I'll try one in my next order although I cannot imagine anything better than the castile soap.
I also wanted to mention that prior to Dr. Bronner I used Dr. Woods liquid castile soap which did nothing of the sort for my hair :lol:.

@RossBoss, what kind of shampoo bars do you use. Maybe I'll try one in my next order although I cannot imagine anything better than the castile soap.

I use Chagrin Valley Olive Oil and Babassu bar.
Since using this and shampoo bars I have turned my back to commercial shampoos. The only thing I noticed is that conditioners do not work as well unless I use a distilled white vinegar rinse. After that it's smooth city. I haven't had problems with tangling or matting since.

I also use this on my DD 4b hair and it's amazing!
I went through a short phase where I was using my Dr. Bronners soap as shampoo. I remember having awesome shampoo sessions too. I've gone back to my Vo5 conditioner though I don't remember why. My cheapie shampoo is more of a staple.
I think I'm going to start using this soap along with my Chagrin Valley bar. I tried going back to commercial shampoos and my scalp is so itchy with buildup. Ugh.
I use this soap for shampoo also. Usually the peppermint one bc I love for my scalp to tingle. It is THE absolute best. I use it to wash my face also bc I have sensitive skin.