Dow Drops 777 points. Spiritual Meaning?

Sasha Fierce

Active Member
Okay Ladies,

Does the fact that the dow dropped 777 points have any significance to you? Is the number 7 or is this sequence of 7s significant to you in any way from a spiritual standpoint.

I'm looking for someone to confirm what I'm thinking or either tell me I'm just being silly :look:
I did some quick research on the net:

The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this sense is the Almighty's Number. We read of:

Samson's seven locks of consecration. (Judges 16:13-19)
The seven pillars of wisdom's house. (Proverbs 9:1)
The sevenfold sign of total commitment and dependence (2 Chron. 29: 20-21)
The seven lambs to attest the conclusion of a peace treaty. (Genesis 21:28-30)
The seven fold sprinkling of blood before cleansing was complete. (Lev:16:19)
The seven week count to Pentecost, the seven year count to the sabbatical year and the seven times seven year count to the Jubilee year. (Lev. 23:15, Lev.25:1-9)
The seven candlesticks, seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven plagues mentioned in the book of Revelation etc.

If you want to read more of the article About 777

If you ask me it's just coincident
I did some quick research on the net:

The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this sense is the Almighty's Number. We read of:

Samson's seven locks of consecration. (Judges 16:13-19)
The seven pillars of wisdom's house. (Proverbs 9:1)
The sevenfold sign of total commitment and dependence (2 Chron. 29: 20-21)
The seven lambs to attest the conclusion of a peace treaty. (Genesis 21:28-30)
The seven fold sprinkling of blood before cleansing was complete. (Lev:16:19)
The seven week count to Pentecost, the seven year count to the sabbatical year and the seven times seven year count to the Jubilee year. (Lev. 23:15, Lev.25:1-9)
The seven candlesticks, seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven plagues mentioned in the book of Revelation etc.

If you want to read more of the article About 777

If you ask me it's just coincident
Plzgrow, this is an excellent post. Thank you for doing this wonderful research.

The number 7 is also the number for 'completion'. The end of something. Six (6) days God created the earth and all that dwelt therein and on the seventh (7) day, He rested.

I have no doubt that there will be many associations and assumptions with these numbers 777, but the important thing is to focus upon the God whom we serve and in whom we believe. The God of all Heaven and Earth and not the foolish gods of this world.

God never fails. Men always will, for they try to be God, and try to prove how far they can go without Him (so they think), they can never be without Him. For our God reigns throughout all Heaven and all earth...and He will continue to reign forever and ever... Amen.

Blessings angel. Again, this is a beautiful research.

And SmartAlek, a great thread topic :up:

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