Dove Products


New Member
Has any one tried the Dove shampoo and Conditioner? I recent saw an ad in a magazine and it asked if your other conditioners could give you slip like this (dove). The word slip caught my eye since we use it so much on this board. Does anyone have any feedback?
I have not tried the shampoo, but I do like their Intense Moisture condr and I like their Moisture Rich condr for Condr Washes. I have heard that the shampoo is kind of stripping. What shampoos and conditioners are you using now?
I bought a bottle of Dove conditoner (dry/damaged hair) on sale at Target a few weeks. I love it because it gave me slip and made my hair soft.
i love the intense moisture line....they leave my hair soft and weightless...gave my natural puff tons of movement...i still use the shampoo, but i use a lot of conditioner and ive run out of that....i think the conditioner would be good for co washes...i get lots of slip with it...
I have many samples of the Dove line. I wouldn't use the shampoo, but will be trying the conditioner very soon. I should have enough samples to do a conditioner wash : )
<font color="purple">I've got a sample of the Intensive Conditioner and loved it to death!!! I also have a full bottle of the conditioner for fine, colored treated hair(I color my hair twice a year). I use it for my CO washes. The scent is lovely and gives my hair excellent slip, without weighing it down like the other conditioners with cones and such. I'm going to alternate between the Volumizing Color and the Moisture Rich Conditioners. I need to add that one to my PJ list. </font>
I just bought the Dove Intensive Moisturizng Conditioner. I plan on using it soon for a co wash. If all goes well, I'll pick up the shampoo and foam conditioner.
I have the isn't too drying for my hair but when I poo wash I don't do the second round so I don't know...maybe that's why.