Double Coloring on Natural Hair?


New Member
I colored my hair last week for the first time in ages. I chose Clairol's Textures & Tones Light Golden Brown.


Of course, it didn't come out that color. It's still close to black with a few brown highlights, IMO.

Here's how it turned out.
hair color image 1.jpg

hair color image 2.jpg

I want to color again, but I don't want to end up with some funky color or damage it.

What's your opinion? Have you colored your hair with the same color in a short time span? What was the result?
I wouldn't do another box dye in such a short amount of time. You're really asking for some major damage to your hair if you do that. I have dyed my hair with a box dye and then followed up with a rinse before a week or 2 later. I was paranoid as all outdoors, but it turned out fine. For your hair to get that light, you will have to use another permanent color. I would wait for about a month or 2 before attempting to box dye again. Up your moisture and protein game in the mean time. That always helps to keep your hair healthy enough to endure dye. HTH
Thanks for the advice. I guess I will wait to color again.

The second picture is rather deceptive because in most light, my hair looks close to jet black. Oh well. I'm glad I didn't get damage, at least.
I've used that same brand of color and I've done a double color in a 1-2 week timeframe. My hair was fine, no damage, but everyone's hair is different. I would wait at least three weeks then try again,
Thanks too Tiff! I just have an itch to go and buy another box, but my hair is so well moisturized right now that I really don't want to mess it up. Thanks to both of you for talking me down.
your hair looks really soft and healthy so I wouldnt take any chances! Have you considered lightening naturally with honey? Im thinking about trying that.