Request Double charged for 2 year membership - Need 1 Reversed Please


Well-Known Member
Hi beverly, SVT, Allandra, I, like a few others have had my paypal account debited twice for the 2 year membership and would like one reversed please. One was debited on Feb 6th and the other on Feb 7th. Thanks in advance for your prompt response.
Hi @beverly, @SVT, @Allandra, I, like a few others have had my paypal account debited twice for the 2 year membership and would like one reversed please. One was debited on Feb 6th and the other on Feb 7th. Thanks in advance for your prompt response.

Beverly handles the PayPal part of the LHCF. You may want to submit a ticket.
@Aggie - Click "Contact Us," it's near the upper right hand side of the screen below the Long Hair Care Forum header. Then click on "Submit A Ticket."

ETA: That's what I did when the double charge happened to me and it was resolved in a matter of days. You shouldn't have to dispute it through Paypal.
Thanks ladies, I just submitted the ticket. I will wait a couple of days for a response.
For those experiencing issues, please submit a ticket for any payment related issues. All tickets are answered within 72 hours! Thank you for your patience as I resolve all issues :)
@Aggie Did this get cleared up for you? I just submitted a ticket for the same thing.

Theresamonet, Yes thankfully just last evening in fact. Beverly took care of it although it was not yet reflected on my credit card statement when I checked it online this morning. I suppose it will take another day or so for that. But for now, I'm good:yep:.