Do's and Don'ts to make your life easier on the board and at home


New Member
This is another A.G production. Here are some Do's and Don'ts that can help make your hair journey easier and and more rewarding. These tips will also help you get more productive advice from the board.

Do take pictures :Flahsssss

Pictures help track your progress and diagnose problems. Be consistent with your pics and the way you take them. Keep your body in a neutral position...Don't arch your back or lean your head back, it will distort your acutal progress. Don't rely on wet hair pics either. Hair swells and stretches when it is wet. The length wet is not then length dried.

Don't be afraid of a little elbow grease

Sometimes it seems like People don't want to read or search.:detective: There is a ton of info here so use it!! Tell yourself that you are going to spend ___ amount of time just searching and reading each week.

Do look and think before you leap

Before you hop on to every bandwagon :cowgirl: under the sun. Look and think before you do. Some will work, some won't. Think about your hair and its needs before you hop onto one. For example, if your hair seems to crave moisture then an Aphogee All the time challenge maybe not be the best idea for you.

Do pace yourself

This isn't a race.:cycle: We all start out on different levels and we all have different needs. Don't get down and desparate if you feel other people are passing you by. Our actions in our despratation cause half of our problems and set backs.

Do reach out and Phone a friend

If you have a positive relationship with someone here, PM then with specific concerns sometime. While everyone might not be able to help you, you just might find someone that you can use as a "life line" so to speak. :callme:

Do give up the Goods
Give us details when you have a problem. :user:Don't just say, "My hair is dry, what do I do?" Give us details. What is your regime, what do you use, have you had a relaxer lately, if so lye or no lye. These are the things we need to help get to the cause of your issues.

Don't Expect Instant Gratification

Breakage doesn't happen overnight, neither does chronic dryness. :think: Both are cumlative processes. It take more than ONE conditioning to gix either problem. Stop looking for the quick fix, they don't exist. If it did, the pj's here would have found it by now.

Do Check yourself before you wreck yourself

3/4ths of the time when a technique or process doesn't work for you, your technique is to blame. Do your research before you start. Doing anything incorrectly and poorly can and will cause problems. There are right and wrong ways to wash your hair, flat iron, blow dry, etc.... Failing to do this will have you blaming a process/technique when really the blame is on you.

Don't try to be popular

Don't sweat it if half of the board doesn't use your products. If they rock to you, then keep them. It might be a good thing that the whole board doen't love them too....Don't believe me, just ask the Pantene mask club and Shikakai powder lovers. :missing:

Don't be a P/C planner

Don't pre-scheldule protein and clarifying treatments. Clarify as needed and do protein as needed. You might notice trends like you usually whip out protein every two weeks but that can change with product changes and as your hair progresses. Listen to your hair and go as it tells you too. :orders:

Do think before you act

When you have a problem, before you reach for ANYTHING, figure out the root of the your issue.:scratchch If your hair is breaking figure out the root cause..Were you using heat incorrecting, did you over do protein etc.... Do this everytime you have a problem and save yourself money and heartache.
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this is a nice way of telling people to get with the program!!!!!!!!!

can we make this a sticky???
GymFreak, you are ON it tonight, girlie! :cup:

When I first started on my healthy hair journey, I followed Carolyn Gray's 6-week regimen and her precise products, which planned out protein and clarifying, ahead of time. I have since learned to simply listen to my hair and not a that is a GREAT TIP. In fact, all the Do's and Dont's are on point.

Thank you. :kiss:
Excellent post GymFreak! I'm guilty of falling prey to jumping on a gazillion bandwagons--and my hair paid the ultimate price. This year I'm on a few challenges and I'm planning on being very simple with my goals.
Don't try to be popular

Don't sweat it if half of the board doesn't use your products. If they rock to you, then keep them. It might be a good thing that the whole board doen't love them too....Don't believe me, just ask the Pantene mask club and Shikakai powder lovers. :missing:



Good thread cuz... :)
Oh I love this thread!!!

And here is why:
Do take pictures
OK I haven't gotten this one worked out yet as far as posting pics, but I do take pics with my camera phone.

Don't be afraid of a little elbow grease
I am sooooooooo guilty of not doing this. Its a shame too because this forum has soo many valuable resources. I finally after almost 3 years as a member started using the search function. It has recently saved me from 5 potentially bad decisions.

Do look and think before you leap
Before you hop on to every bandwagon under the sun. Look and think before you do. Some will work, some won't. Think about your hair and its needs before you hop onto one. For example, if your hair seems to crave moisture then an Aphogee All the time challenge maybe not be the best idea for you.

OK at least I don't do this but I think it needed to be said:yep:

Do pace yourself

This isn't a race. We all start out on different levels and we all have different needs. Don't get down and desparate if you feel other people are passing you by. Our actions in our despratation cause half of our problems and set backs.
Once again, guilty. When i first realized that i had breakage I panicked and reached for the protein, and then I overdid it. Nuff said.

Do reach out and Phone a friend
Doing this has saved me:yep:

Do give up the Goods

Give us details when you have a problem. Don't just say, "My hair is dry, what do I do?" Give us details.
I was able to solve my problem because I did this. I didn't hold back even though I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing in the first place. It's really humbling, too. I mean after all, I'm a LHCFer. I should know better. Denial is a monster.

Don't Expect Instant Gratification
It took me approximately 3 months to stop the damage that really began in April (but started showing itself in july). Notice I said "stop" the damage. And that's only because I did all of the above.

B]Do Check yourself before you wreck yourself
3/4ths of the time when a technique or process doesn't work for you, your technique is to blame. Do your research before you start. Doing anything incorrectly and poorly can and will cause problems. There are right and wrong ways to wash your hair, flat iron, blow dry, etc.... Failing to do this will have you blaming a process/technique when really the blame is on you.
OK this almost happened to me recently. I wanted to touch up soo bad (I have this uncontrollable urge to stick to a schedule--no matter what). When i washed my hair to get it in the readiness state, I noticed some very disturbing things. More breakage than I realized, overall weakness and scraggly ends. Even with all of that, I still wanted to relax:blush:!
But I fought nature and consulted LHCF. I did a search and found out information that quite possible saved my hair from more devastating damage.

Don't try to be popular
Ain't neva tried. I still know of only one person that uses Jilbere flat iron and don't even get me started on Joico...

Don't be a P/C planner
Don't pre-scheldule protein and clarifying treatments. Clarify as needed and do protein as needed. You might notice trends like you usually whip out protein every two weeks but that can change with product changes and as your hair progresses. Listen to your hair and go as it tells you too.

This happened to me the other day. At first I was quick to blame my flat iron for my hair troubles. Then I calmed down enough to realize that it was simply build up.

Do think before you act

When you have a problem, before you reach for ANYTHING, figure out the root of the your issue. If your hair is breaking figure out the root cause..Were you using heat incorrecting, did you over do protein etc.... Do this everytime you have a problem and save yourself money and heartache.
Once again, great, great thread. Sorry for the long post but so much of here hit close to home, I had to share....
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Thank you so much for these! I have a friend who just joined today, and I'll send her straight to this thread. Way to Grow, Gymfreak!!!
I am glad you all have enjoyed this. Me and Artemis based this off of stuff we wish somebody would have told up :lol: What can you say, you live and you learn.
Gym is doing it again with the great tips and knowledge:yep:

Good way to start off the New Year:grin:

Thanx a bunch....I'll be saving this thread as well
Thank you, Gymfreak for this post. I do have one wet hair pic but the one in my current sig is not. I will definitely take your advice to heart especially when it comes to jumping on bandwagons.
Fabulous post...I'm probably guilty of all! Seriously though, this is great advise. I have some wet hair pics in my fotki though....:look: