Doo Gro BoY!


New Member
I was at my locker and like always in high schools the hallways are packed. I overheard this boy compliment this girl saying that her hair got longer. The girl yelled back "doo gro boy, doo gro!" I was shocked to hear that and automatically thought about this forum. And when i looked I realized that the girls hair did gain length over the summer, because I remember it used to be NL now its SL. And all i could think of in my head was (go ahead girl! Whatever works for you.) ... Yeah just I'd expressed that. IT was funny. :grin::lachen:
LOL. That was funny. Good for her.

Sidebar: Do you share information from the forum or give the website to any of your friends?
That's funny. LCHF moment! I am more conscious of hair related conversation that reminds me of the forum!:yep:
My cousin swore up and down that she grew her hair with Super Gro. Of course I ran out and bought some... my hair stayed the same LOL My cousin's hair is waist length, but I think it was the protective styles that really helped her.

Hey Doo Gro (don't you hate products that spell the word incorrectly like we're stupid?) is cheap so more power to her. I'd rather buy a bottle of Castor Oil, but whatever tickles her pickle.
LOL. That was funny. Good for her.

Sidebar: Do you share information from the forum or give the website to any of your friends?
Yea I do in fact one friend said she went to the site and didn't know what to do so she gave up. She claims it was confusing..... The other amigos think I'm crazy and say that they'll just stick to grease. There is one friend though that i forgot to mention this forum to, but she knows about the rollersetting for healthy hair, she does it actually and I think she uses high end products like JC
nourish and shine. Her hair is always rockin!