Doo Gro and Always SuperGro

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i have a few questions??? my daughter's hair on her sides are shorter than what they used to be. her hair was like below her ear lobe. now the right side is like to her earlobe, and the left side is to the mid of her ear. my daughter's hair is long in the back when stretched it touches her shoulders and i would like to get it to grow longer. So questions:
1. Should i use doo gro?
2. Or should i use Always Super Gro (contains rosemary, jojoba,and vitamin e oil--- those ingredients help aids to hair growth)
Also while my daughter wear braids i will grease her scalp with blue magic hair grease w/ a drop of castor oil. Is it good her for her scalp daily?
How often should i wash her hair and deep condition (she's only three years old)
i thought i would ask my hair sistas for their advice so please help!!!!
i have a few questions??? my daughter's hair on her sides are shorter than what they used to be. her hair was like below her ear lobe. now the right side is like to her earlobe, and the left side is to the mid of her ear. my daughter's hair is long in the back when stretched it touches her shoulders and i would like to get it to grow longer. So questions:
1. Should i use doo gro?
2. Or should i use Always Super Gro (contains rosemary, jojoba,and vitamin e oil--- those ingredients help aids to hair growth)
Also while my daughter wear braids i will grease her scalp with blue magic hair grease w/ a drop of castor oil. Is it good her for her scalp daily?
How often should i wash her hair and deep condition (she's only three years old)
i thought i would ask my hair sistas for their advice so please help!!!!

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hey girl. well, the castor oil is good for the scalp. however I wouldn't use the blue magic. Most of us don't use Blue Magic or similiar "greases" because the petroleum and mineral oil tend to coat the hair blocking out any moisture. Also it cloggs the hair follicles and you want those to be open so the hair can grow. Another thing is that it attracts dirt,dust,lint. For me, any product with pertoleum/petrolatum high on the list of ingredients is a big no no for me.

You can always oil her scalp with natural oils. There are alot to choose from, Olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, etc. Or, you can go ahead and buy some Hot Six Oil. It can be found almost anywhere.

If you're looking for something more "grease like" you can try coconut oil or shea butter.
thanks so much for your reply. that's what i will stop using then the blue magic.
1. Should i use doo gro?
2. Or should i use Always Super Gro (contains rosemary, jojoba,and vitamin e oil--- those ingredients help aids to hair growth)

Those are really good ingredients but more than likely there is only a very small amount of them in the Super Gro. Basically all the products that claim to grow hair,super gro,miracle gro,etc..they're pretty much just petroleum and mineral oil. Which do more harm than good. If it was me I wouldn't use that on her hair.

Instead you can condition the hair with shea butter, cocoa butter, or coconut oil. Coconut oil (it's not really an oil it's more solid) is good for softening the hair. You can find it at an Indian store and I think health food stores too.

If you want to use commercial products, the profective line is really good. You might want to try the Profective MegaGrowth. Organic Root Stimulator is another good line.

If your daughter's hair has become shorter,and you didn't cut it then that mean's there's some breakage goin on. If her ends are damdaged and split go ahead and give her a good trim. Or else it'll only continue to get shorter. Don't worry it will grow back

As far as washing and deep conditioning, I'd say at least once a week or even more frequently if you wish. She might benefit from a conditioner-only wash in the middle of the week.

If you want to know where to get any of the products or ingredients that I mentioned let me know. And also, I was just assuming that the Doo Gro and Allways were petroleum based greases but I'm not completely sure. Ignore the previous post if they're not! lol
Well, I use a grease called Allways, but it's not the super gro kind. I think that one costs like a dollar more, and I was going for the cheap one. Anyway, it does my hair fine. I only use it like every 3 days, though. I wouldn't advise anyone to grease their hair everyday. Some people don't like grease, but I do. I get breakage if I don't use it.
MissJ, from your pic your hair looks long and healthy. By all means continue doing what works for you. In this situation though, I feel she should try other products similiar to "grease" but without the petroleum. Her daughters hair seems to be damaged and breaking off and I'm assuming she uses grease on her hair now. When most of us became hip on hair care and the like, we cut out petroleum from our hair products and now have better looking hair to show for it.
MissJ, from your pic your hair looks long and healthy. By all means continue doing what works for you. In this situation though, I feel she should try other products similiar to "grease" but without the petroleum. Her daughters hair seems to be damaged and breaking off and I'm assuming she uses grease on her hair now. When most of us became hip on hair care and the like, we cut out petroleum from our hair products and now have better looking hair to show for it.

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thats a good point but grease might not be that bad for her. i don't think she should use blue magic either but i don't think she should give on grease altogether especially of her childs hair is very corse in texture. alot of children actually get nice hair growth from grease and regular washing. besides if she is one of the types to not like to get her hair done i would think using shea butter or something along those lines after the washing and drying and then using grease when styling would be okay too.

just a thought

thats a good point but grease might not be that bad for her. i don't think she should use blue magic either but i don't think she should give on grease altogether

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If not Blue Magic, then what type of grease? To me they are almost all the same the differences being in color,fragrance, and the consistency somewhat. All those different lines with all the different types claiming to do different things. I think they're pretty much the same but that's just my opinion.

But you're right you can't ignore all those little girls with the long healthy hair who use grease. There will always be people who swear on grease because of that.
I still recommend using grease. My mom had 4 daughters, and when we were little she use to wait until we went to sleep and then greased and plaited or braied our hair. It turned out great. Look at my hair now. All of my sisters' hair is like that, and neither of us are above a 4a. People are always asking my mom all kinds of questions about what she does to our hair. She just greased and plaited it. Now, I have cousins who have little girls, and they started doing this when the kids were babies. If they didn't have hair to plait they just put it in rubber bands until it was long enough to plait. They have heads full of hair, too. There's nothing wrong with using grease. Your child is 3, no need to get complex about a hair regimen. Also, my mom had this thing against Blue Magic. She talked about this grease all throughout my childhood. She used it on my sister who is two years younger than I am, and it took her hair out. My mom was so mad, and she never used Blue Magic again.
i never though blue magic was a good grease to begin with, i wouldn't touch the stuff when i was growing up and still won't use it...LOL

but she can use stuff like "indian hemp" grease. its usually looks like it has herbs and stuff in it. i think african pride or something has it. i recently picked up one by kuza.

the one i've been using has: petrolalim, lanolin, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, joboba oil, rosemary oil, avocado, safflower, soy protein, indian hemp herb oil, panthenol, propylparaben, fragrance
We used to have to use DAX growing up. Me and my sister hated it we called it "the green stuff" always. Never by its name lol.
thanks for all your replies!!!! you know i use ors olive oil on my hair and it has been helping my hair and aiding growth. so i would consider using olive oil by organic root stimulator. i remember awhile back last year she had this twister in her head (the side that's shorter) and i had to pull it out and some of her hair came out with it. it's growing back now because it was like at the top of her ear. now that i had been keeping it braided and using castor oil, that's how her hair grew back to the middle of her ear. so i know her hair isn't breaking or nothing. it's comes from when i had to pull her twister out because it got tangled in her hair. i just want it to hurry up and get even with the other side. also i want both her sides to grow longer like her back part is.