Don't Wait Till the Battle is Over!


New Member
You can Shout Now!

ALthough I'm still going thorugh my situation, I can see a glimmer of God working to bring me through. A couple of days ago in my crisis post I posted about some overdraft fees that I was told I would have. I called the bank and everything because I was just so frustrated about things happening with my account (even planning out when to send bills in doesn't always work out). Anyway, I was told that there would be at least 5 overdraft fees and maybe one returned check. Well, I don't see any overdraft fees yet and everything was paid. Now I don't know if there will be fees posted by the end of today. By faith I bought $50 worth of food including diapers last night. I'm almost afraid to believe that there are no overdraft fees because I have been so dissapointed by so many things and in so many situations in the past.

At any rate, I'm still in the 'battle'. Things still are not right. I still can't pay my bills yet or tend to my husbands car, which now needs work. But, I am goign to shout now. I'm not waiting till the battle is over. I know in the end I'm gonna win! Praise God!

Those of you who took the time to pray for me and to send pm's of encouragement, I can't begin to thank you. God will bless each and everyone of you for going outside of yourselves. Please continue to pray for me and my family as we still have major hudles to overcome.
You sound like a strong woman in God. I am FULLY confident that God is going to finish the work He has started in you. You understand that although your RESOURCES can change your SOURCE must remain the same. It uncomprehensible on how God works things out but He is TOO wise to make any mistakes. I will shouting now with you knowing the in the end God will be gloried with your testimony of VICTORY. Just for now during this brief season anoint your husband car, anoint him, your children and yourself. Just cover yourself daily in the blood of Jesus. The anointing will help that car go a little longer. :)
I am so happy that things are beginning to look up for you. I will continue to pray for you, and I know you will get through this.
Thank you ladies! Guess I'll have to go and get some new oil and break it open and anoint this car for real. We need it to run for at least 2 to 3 more years, unless God sees fit to bless us with another one sooner.
Continue to be encouraged because I AM TOTALLY CONVINCED that the things that Satan means for harm God will always turn into our good that his name might be glorified.