
Well-Known Member
I have a dilemma, how to you tell someone who is in a position of authority, to keep their hands out your hair without sounding like a B? She seriously walked up to me and ran her hands through my hair. I cut her the look of death (but my first instinct was to slap her :look:) and she walked off but still. Are some women that obsessed with someone else's hair.

Don't touch my hair, 1) I don't know where your hands have been 2) that's gross and 3) yes, it's all my hair so you don't need to know whether it's real or not

By the way, I was having a good day up until this :lol:
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She has no authority over your hair/body so have no fear. Say that u r not comfortable w that type of contact. Just cool off before u tell her so it doesnt come across too bold
Hi authority, can i talk to u for a sec? The other day u put your hands in my hair and its very uncomf for me when ppl do that. I dont like it so please dont do it again. Thanks
Reword as needed but be clear. No explanation of why is really needed. U dont like it.
She shld get that and respect it
Good luck w the convo.
She has no authority over your hair/body so have no fear. Say that u r not comfortable w that type of contact. Just cool off before u tell her so it doesnt come across too bold
Hi authority, can i talk to u for a sec? The other day u put your hands in my hair and its very uncomf for me when ppl do that. I dont like it so please dont do it again. Thanks
Reword as needed but be clear. No explanation of why is really needed. U dont like it.
She shld get that and respect it
Good luck w the convo.

I totally agree. ^^ If she keeps up the next step would be HR.
Just tell her please don't touch my hair, I don't like it.
If she does it again, go to HR if this is happening at work.
Your hair is of your body. If she walked up and ran her hands over your butt or breasts would you just let her? Tell her in a polite way, to please not touch you.
I have to say...we are all hair obsessed on this board, and I drool over gorgeous hair but I wouldn't dare run my fingers through someone hair. Thats really stepping into someones personal're really putting on your hands on someone else in a personal/intimate manner. I would kindly say how it makes you feel uncomfortable when she runs your finger thru your hair.
Too bad you can't hide a live taser gun up in there. I'd love to see her try to run her hands through it then. ZAP!!! woman down! woman down!
That was pretty disrespectful of her, she must have been white. I THINK another black woman would know better.

But you gave her "the look" and if she didn't read your eyes Im sure she read your body language. I don't believe she'll do it again. She got the message.

If by chance she does it again, then you could have "the talk" with her. I say, Let it go and keep the piece (and your job).
I agree with everyone elses advice but if it were me...I'd over do it on the oils the next morning on purpose. No awkward conversation necessary.
That was pretty disrespectful of her, she must have been white. I THINK another black woman would know better.

But you gave her "the look" and if she didn't read your eyes Im sure she read your body language. I don't believe she'll do it again. She got the message.

If by chance she does it again, then you could have "the talk" with her. I say, Let it go and keep the piece (and your job).

girl please ive had more rude black people pulling that crap with me than white folks!! at least the white people that touched my hair asked first and were gentle. ive had plenty of my own folks straight assault my hair and i threatened to get out a shank.

OP, like everyone said, a simple moving your head back, shooting a look or 'please dont do that' will suffice.
People would do this when I got braids at work the first couple of times. As I walked in the door, they'd be all smiling "Wow! Look at your hair! It's beautiful!" while walking towards me. I smile and say thank you. All of a sudden, they've got a bunch of my braids in their hands.

I'd stop smiling and just sort of look uncomfortable, subtly. But still remaining polite. They sort of got the message after those first couple of times.

I agree, it's rude and it's disgusting. I don't know where your hands have been and I know for a fact some don't wash their hands when they leave the toilet! I also sometimes work with bio-hazardous substances and wear gloves. And you want to come and touch me with your used gloves. Really???
I think so people just love touching other womens hair
My white friends always do it to each other and I find it odd, like you dont need to see with your hands

Last night one of my white friends dyed her hair pink and then some other girls were like "omg love your hair" and kept touching it! so odd.
Also, I find it odd that she would just come and touch you. I guess I can understand some curiosity over a new style ... but you didn't state doing anything new to your hair in the OP ... so... she just came up ... and touched you .... for no reason? Bizarre!!
I would just tell her not to do that. If she does again, tell her again that you don't like it and you find it intrusive... IF she does again - then HR get's a knock on the door, kmt!
I would just put oil in it and remind her that there is oil in there. If she touches it she's in for a greasy surprise.