Don't Touch it Challenge!


Well-Known Member
Here is how it goes:
Leave hair covered 50- 75% of the time under ur silk/satin scarf.

When not covered, wear hair up with ends tucked under. Preferrably wear a phony pony over the ends of your hair when going out to protect hair from the harsh winds and cold air, but u don't have to.

Spray or rub leave-in conditioner in hair everyday before pinning hair up.

Finger comb only!! U can use a comb every once in a while if it is REALLY necessary. Be very slow when dealing with ur hair.

I am going to do this until my next retouch!
Let's see hwo much growth we maintain!

Who's in?
Great idea, i have hand in hair disease at the moment, so this will reduce breakage too.ia coindicence becaiuse i've just put my hair up, under a satin/scarf. Good timing.
This is what I do all the time. Well, I can't pull off the scarf gig at work. I only do that before bed. I don't even tie it on very tightly.
i join in fact i m already doing it since july, january 1 will mark 6 months in my growth quest hurrah i will do that fo a whole year til end of august baggie satin bonnet just mtg every morning and washing every 3days with the vits i left my hair in cornrows every since oct i know i m crazy i dont feel like dealing at all with my hair so i m leaving my cornrows for 3months! i already have 2 inch of growth piled up for oct and so i dont manipulate it just rinse every 3 days or cond put the baggy and the satin bonnet and i live in scarf the daily moisture from the shower cap stops the roots from locking and i know its a big no- no to leave extensions cornrows so long ( i have ten) but i dont want to deal with the hair i m too busy just mechanically put the mtg i might add masketi later to make sure hair stay moisturized but i will see if i will be pleasantly surprised i left my hair at 5-6inch so jan 1 will be 5 months of mtg usage i want to then measure what type of growth i got if it s consistent so what right now i have no idea how its doing i dont see my hair i just wear scarves and hats i will only get my answer jan1 and i m really thinking of doing that cornrows every 3 months than take it out this way i m not frustrated and can mesure my progress more efficiently and not feel bad i no its wrong to be that lazy but it works for me i dont see no shedding no nothing no build up for now as i just apply mtg by itself and will see if my hair stays there when i remoove it i m scared hum wow jan1 is farrrrrrrr i will remove dec 31 to start new year with fresh hair
HoneyDew said:
This is what I do all the time. Well, I can't pull off the scarf gig at work. I only do that before bed. I don't even tie it on very tightly.
As soon as u get home from work, u can put on ur scarf like u would before bed.
den1 said:
Great idea, i have hand in hair disease at the moment, so this will reduce breakage too.ia coindicence becaiuse i've just put my hair up, under a satin/scarf. Good timing.
I feel u. I was having the same problem. I am trying to get to mid-back. I don't wanna deal with this winter wind.
I've been doing this a little already. I'm in on this challenge. I have about four weeks until my next relaxer (stretching to 8 weeks).

I've already noticed that my hair shaft is holding in more moisture, but the main problem that I'm having is scalp itch. I think that some of it is being brought on my my ends touching my scalp in places and it is making it itch.
I have a question, how are you guys keeping the hair under your scarf? My method is to tie it on first, and then tuck hair under it b/c I'm afraid of pinning it or putting it up with hair ties.
uncutandgettinglonger said:
I have a question, how are you guys keeping the hair under your scarf? My method is to tie it on first, and then tuck hair under it b/c I'm afraid of pinning it or putting it up with hair ties.

I put mine in a bun or wrap it or tuck it under with a bobby pin.
I've been doing this for a while, so you can add me to the list. My hair is covered daily until 6:30 or so, I spray/moisturize twice daily before putting on my scarf, and do not comb during the week.
Ok I am in.
I need to do this for my hair's sake. I love to comb it and look at me in the mirror. :) I have become very gentle with my hair when combing. I won't comb it if I don't need to.
I do this a lot, but I work an 8-5 and have an 8-10:30 pm class on Tue and Thurs so I will only be able to do it on evenings when I'm in the house and on the weekends. This week I'm on vacation so I have been keeping my hair oiled and covered with a scarf all day. I am trying to cut back on combing. When I put my hair up during the day I have a claw clip in it like in SimplyCee's album so if I have to get up and go I just throw off the scarf. At night I put my hair up with a duck bill clip (in my album) and tie it up.

So far so good for me. I hardly ever comb my hair. I need a retouch very badly now, so I will have to do some combing tomorrow.
Count me in! I have it bad with the "hand-in-hair disease" too. After going thru some of the boards (up to page 190 now), I have discovered IC Fantasia Heat Protector Straightening Serum. It is amazing! Leaves your hair ultra soft. Anyway, I already wear a 3/4 or 'partial' wig, so I can tuck the ends in. I've been debating about the baggie method too. I look forward to reporting in and posting pictures.
I have a questions for eveyone keeping their hair tied up. Can that cause undo stress on the hairline? Also, what are you doing with the hair under the scarf? Is it in a ponytail, left out...
I've been trying... But it is just so hard when you also have to maintain your hair with products, because then that makes you have to touch your hair! I have to keep my hair and scalp moisturized with spray, then I have to oil my scalp/hair every 3 days... and now I just started daily co washing the front third of my hair (edges only) due to it being more thin and damaged than the rest of my hair... so I have to be in my hair everyday :(

I wish I could just leave it alone, but I am afraid it would start breaking off if I stayed out of it.

Any suggestions?
i am in, I do this already, I baggy about 50-70% of the time until I reach my goals. I comb only 1ce a week. Sometime it gets really messy during the week so I cheat and comb, but i would try to lie my hair flatter so that I only comb 1ce a week.
i have been living in two strand twists, and lately i have been able to leave them in for a full 2 weeks :eek: but i must admit any longer and they will start to lock, and im just not ready for that now.

So during this time, i either use shea butter or spray with a mixture of water, conditioner and evoo. Every day, twice a day, concentrating mostly on my ends and the middle of my head, which does get neglected. About twice a week i spray my edges with surge and moisturize on top.
I'm in too. It's only been two weeks since my last relaxer and I already have a half inch of new growth. I plan on stretching for 3 months, so this challenge will be good for me.