Don't sleep on oil-rinses!

First time oil rinsing and I love it!

I prepoo with: evoo, honey, black strap molasses and tgin con to thicken
poo with tgin poo
applied oil mix: avocado, wgo, castor
applied tgin mask

I am under the dryer now. My curl were so defined before I applied the mask and finger detangling was a breeze.

I will keep this as part of my wash day!
This sounds like a great thing for low porosity hair like mine. Shampoo ,rinse w water then oil locks in the water, then conditioner gives some slip. I dont have issues w detangling at this point bc i prepoo w coconut oil & cantu argan oil leave in & my hair detangles when i wash. But i think i will try this still
This morning I prepooed with Mizani Moisturefuse mixed with aloe juice and castor oil for 30 minutes.

Then I put Kurleebelle almond shea butter shampoo right on top of the prepoo, detangled and rinsed it out.

Next I DC'ed with matrix conditioning balm mixed with Mizani Moisturefuse conditioner under hooded dryer for approximately 30 minutes.

I'm about to hot oil rinse with a castor and sunflower oil mix and rinse it out and will be adding Redken anti-snap leave in sealed with sunflower oil. Put my hair back in three big celies, wig it and done for the day.
As for me today, I prepooed with Matrix Biolage Hydrasource with Aloeconitioning balm mixed with sunflower and palm oil and a dash of aloe jiuce.

It felt much better than it did last week. I suppose I can use it as a deep conditioner this way, but the prepoo is working swimmingly so why mess with a good thing?

I used Redken Time Reset shampoo (made my hair feel squeaky clean without feeling hard) and now I'm deep conditioning with Redken Time Reset Youth Revitalizer replenishing deep treatment for 20 minutes under hooded dryer.

This shampoo and treatment also have ceramides and camellia oil in them. I'm a little excited about that so we'll see how good it is for my hair once I'm done. I'm washing this out and finishing off with a palm oil rinse leaving some of it on my hair.

I'll be moisturizing with Redken Anti Snap leave in sealed with sunflower oil. That's me for my hair day.
Today I used:
Hydroquench Systems Coconut & Lime Coconut Oil with my Pre-Poo
Pumpkin Seed on top of my DC'er
Rice Bran with my Leave-In
I got me some more oils:happydance: and here they are:

  • Tamanu Madagascar Carrier Oil - 16 oz
  • Cherry Kernel Carrier Oil - 16 oz
  • Sesame Carrier Oil 16 - oz
  • Wheatgerm Carrier Oil 16 - oz
  • Hemp Seed - Unrefined Carrier Oil 16 - oz
  • Grapeseed Carrier Oil - 16 oz
  • Black Cumin Seed (Egypt) Carrier Oil - 3.3 oz
  • Walnut Carrier Oil - 16 oz
  • Safflower Carrier Oil - 33.3 oz
  • Glycerine Vegetable - 2.2 lbs
  • Orange Sweet Essential Oil - 3.3 oz
  • Hemp Seed - Refined Carrier Oil - 16 oz
Today I used:
HQS Coconut & Lime Coconut Oil to finger detangle
Wheat Germ Oil as my Pre-Cleanse Treatment
Flaxseed (after my Final R/O)
Rice Bran Oil with my Leave-In
Today I used:
Red Palm
Rice Bran

I have a cart sitting out there in cyberspace with: Hempseed and Walnut Oil,

Not sure when I'll pick them up.
I used palm oil to oil rinse my hair today and I used the last of it too so I'm on to another oil next week.
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I'm breaking open my rice bran oil for my next oil rinse next week I think. I'm eager to try it out. By the way, I really liked the palm oil so it is going on my repurchase list but not just yet. I have so many other oils to try out first:grin:

I have a lot of castor oil so I'll use some of it as my prepoo moving forward until I've used up most of it.
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Typically I ignore threads about detangling methods and products. I have for the last year or so. I thought my hair's health or my big chop had something to do with how easily it detangles. That is absolutely NOT the case. The oil-rinse method is why it detangles so easily. My hair completely detangles under just running water! :eek: Keep in mind I've recently adopted a low manipulation regimen. So the last time I detangled was at least a week (or more) ago.

If you're having problems with tangles try this...
  1. Rinse (or shampoo) your hair
  2. Coat in your favorite oil (I've used olive, jojoba, castor, meadowfoam, dabur alma, and aphogee EFA oil, red palm oil/butter--- my favorite is an amla, castor mix)
  3. Rinse with warm/hot water
  4. Apply conditioner
  5. Rinse with cool/cold water
  6. Apply leave-in
  7. Seal
I'm not alone other people think it a miracle too...

The part that makes it an oil rinse is using conditioner to help rinse some of the oil from your hair. Everything else is just a pre-poo, hot oil treatment, or an oil wash.

Don't sleep on oil rinses! It may be your hair miracle. :yep:
I know this thread is like 9 yrs old but I am just seeing it and this regimine is what made me a subscriber to LHCF recently. I use Avocado, Argan and a Little bit of castor oil mix for my oil rinses and it has literally cured my high porosity hair. My hair dries faster and stays moisturizer longer without nightly moisturizing or feeling greasy. Weird that it helps do that but it really works. Been natural 4yrs with 3c/4a thick WL hair but NOW my hair truly looks and feels healthy, soft and defined without as much product. Holy grail for sure.:thankyou:
I oil rinsed this morning with a mixture of AVJ and WGO. It was okay but definitely not my favorite. I will use this up but I probably won't repurchase it. It didn't offer the slip my hair needs.
I oil rinsed this morning with a mixture of AVJ and WGO. It was okay but definitely not my favorite. I will use this up but I probably won't repurchase it. It didn't offer the slip my hair needs.

For some reason my hair hates AVJ (makes it feel dry) but does like ACV. Maybe try using a diluted solution of it (30/70 for me) and then your oil after. Hope it works for you.
For some reason my hair hates AVJ (makes it feel dry) but does like ACV. Maybe try using a diluted solution of it (30/70 for me) and then your oil after. Hope it works for you.

Oh no dear, my hair :love: :love: loves AVJ. It didn't like the wheat germ oil. All other oils that I've used worked wonderfully. This is the first oil that I mixed with the AVJ that didn't play well. I'm just going to try and use it all up but I will not be repurchasing it:nono:.

My hair is never dry after using AVJ, on the contrary, it is quite soft and manageable. This is an oil rinse thread, I was specifically talking about the oil. Thanks for trying to help none the less.
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Cant belv i read this entire thread:look:
It took three days LOL but i learned a lot. Tried oil rinsing this morning with grapeseed
I didnt notice any tangle relief but there was less sheddg than usual and i am expectg great moisture benefits. I will pop in again when i do my next oil rinse to give an update.
Thanks ladies
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I oil rinsed this morning with a mixture of AVJ and WGO. It was okay but definitely not my favorite. I will use this up but I probably won't repurchase it. It didn't offer the slip my hair needs.

It's funny. Wheatgerm oil is one that I use, but I've recently come to the conclusion that it leaves my hair harder than say grapeseed, or safflower. Kinda protein-y lol.