Don't sleep on oil-rinses!


Well-Known Member
Typically I ignore threads about detangling methods and products. I have for the last year or so. I thought my hair's health or my big chop had something to do with how easily it detangles. That is absolutely NOT the case. The oil-rinse method is why it detangles so easily. My hair completely detangles under just running water! :eek: Keep in mind I've recently adopted a low manipulation regimen. So the last time I detangled was at least a week (or more) ago.

If you're having problems with tangles try this...
  1. Rinse (or shampoo) your hair
  2. Coat in your favorite oil (I've used olive, jojoba, castor, meadowfoam, dabur alma, and aphogee EFA oil, red palm oil/butter--- my favorite is an amla, castor mix)
  3. Rinse with warm/hot water
  4. Apply conditioner
  5. Rinse with cool/cold water
  6. Apply leave-in
  7. Seal
I'm not alone other people think it a miracle too...

The part that makes it an oil rinse is using conditioner to help rinse some of the oil from your hair. Everything else is just a pre-poo, hot oil treatment, or an oil wash.

Don't sleep on oil rinses! It may be your hair miracle. :yep:
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Co-signing on the oil rinse! I'm doing the low manipulation challenge too. I did this last night with coconut oil. Wow!
I did something similar earlier this week with by applying vatika oil to dry hair, rinsing, and then conditioning, and my hair has never felt better.

One question: why apply the oil to wet hair as opposed to dry?
Typically I ignore threads about detangling methods and products. I have for the last year or so. I thought my hair's health or my big chop had something to do with how easily it detangles. That is absolutely NOT the case. The oil-rinse method is why it detangles so easily. My hair completely detangles under just running water! :eek: Keep in mind I've recently adopted a low manipulation regimen. So the last time I detangled was at least a week (or more) ago.

If you're having problems with tangles try this...
  1. Rinse (or shampoo) your hair
  2. Coat in your favorite oil (I've used olive, meadowfoam, dabur alma, and aphogee EFA oil, red palm oil/butter)
  3. Rinse with warm/hot water
  4. Apply conditioner
  5. Rinse
  6. Apply leave-in
  7. Seal
I'm not alone other people think it a miracle too...

Don't sleep on oil-rinses! It may be your hair miracle. :yep:

Girl I luv me some oil-rinses!!!:grin:
I did something similar earlier this week with by applying vatika oil to dry hair, rinsing, and then conditioning, and my hair has never felt better.

One question: why apply the oil to wet hair as opposed to dry?

Awesome! :grin:

I have two reasons which are kinda specific to how I style my hair.... before oiling I divide my hair down the middle and gently pulling it apart. I need the water to help me get that far. I also noticed I seem to need less oil when my hair is already wet.
Gonna try this tomorrow!! Not sure which oil I want to use tho... And I dont have a HUGE problem w/ tangles cuz my hair is still short. But Im still gonna do it. :look: :lol:
Thanks for posting this, I was about to pm you this week and ask what it was all about. I will keep this info in mind over my stretch.
This may be a silly question.

Do you rinse the shampoo before applying the oil or do you put the oil on top of the shampoo and then rinse?

I have a sew in right now, but definitely want to give this a try.
This may be a silly question.

Do you rinse the shampoo before applying the oil or do you put the oil on top of the shampoo and then rinse?

I have a sew in right now, but definitely want to give this a try.

Rinse the poo... :think: actually I have tried oil in my poo. That wasn't bad either.
OMG I had to post again! This is something that I will continue to do! It also made my hair unbelievably soft!
Sounds nice, just wondering if I'd get the same results by using oil as my pre-poo and then co-washing instead of using shampoo. Does anyone know the advantage to using the oil on wet hair instead of dry? How long are you guys leaving the oil on for?
Not to sound dumb, but I thought that we were supposed to use oil as a sealant? after we poo and add the oil and rinse and add con, does it block out the moisture? does it still feel oily?
Not to sound dumb, but I thought that we were supposed to use oil as a sealant? after we poo and add the oil and rinse and add con, does it block out the moisture? does it still feel oily?

You would think so, but it has completely the opposite effect. My hair feels much more moisturized. It doesn't seem to block moisture at all. It also never feels oily afterwards...well.. once it didn't but that was because I didn't use conditioner after I rinsed the oil. Somehow the conditioner prevents too much oil from remaining on the hair. I've found different oils have different effects. When I used EFA and my hair feels much more moisturized. When I used alma oil it was much shinier and it detangled much more readily. I could caution folks with thinner hair to use a lighter oil. EFA is really heavy. Meadowfoam and babassu are very light oils.
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Awesome! :grin:

I have two reasons which are kinda specific to how I style my hair.... before oiling I divide my hair down the middle and gently pulling it apart. I need the water to help me get that far. I also noticed I seem to need less oil when my hair is already wet.

OK. I might try it both ways. Using the oil did really seem to lock moisture in my hair, not to mention giving it some serious bling. :yep:
Sounds nice, just wondering if I'd get the same results by using oil as my pre-poo and then co-washing instead of using shampoo. Does anyone know the advantage to using the oil on wet hair instead of dry? How long are you guys leaving the oil on for?

I used vatika oil as a pre-poo and then cowashed. I only meant to leave the oil on for one hour, but I fell asleep so it was more like three hours. My hair was definitely softer and more moisturized. I will have to try it with shampoo to see if it works just as well.
Sounds nice, just wondering if I'd get the same results by using oil as my pre-poo and then co-washing instead of using shampoo. Does anyone know the advantage to using the oil on wet hair instead of dry? How long are you guys leaving the oil on for?

That's where I started too--using oil as a pre-poo. That works great, but doesn't help as much with tangles as doing it after poo'g. By all means, play with it but after made a big difference for me. Oh and the water helps distribute oil better so I use less of it.

Oh I forgot to mention... I detangle/comb my hair while rinsing the conditioner. I don't detangle immediately after poo'g or even oiling it. I detangle under running water while rinse out the conditioner.
So what about hair that will inevitably shed? I am always so terrified of matting especially after long periods of time wearing braids (once was enough of a nightmare thank you very much :nono:). I would love to try this. As it stands I only comb my hair with a Jilbere de Paris comb about once a week during my pre-poo with cholesterol and EVOO.
So what about hair that will inevitably shed? I am always so terrified of matting especially after long periods of time wearing braids (once was enough of a nightmare thank you very much :nono:). I would love to try this. As it stands I only comb my hair with a Jilbere de Paris comb about once a week during my pre-poo with cholesterol and EVOO.

It's funny you mention shedding. The last time I detangled my hair was 9 days ago (I'm heading for 14 days) :yay: N-E-way, I've found shed hairs in the shower, in the car, on my clothes... basically they seem to be working their way out all by themselves. :ohwell: It's kinda of annoying, but I guess that's better than matting. I've actually never been 14 days w/o detangling my WnG! That sounds crazy even to me, but 7 days was an absolute breeze. When I did an oil-rinse a few days ago I could run my fingers through my hair from root to tip w/o it catching on itself or them. :eek:

Try doing your usual (pre-poo) but also adding the oil after you shampoo. I think you'll be amazed. :wink2: